During the configuration of Siveillance Control, it can happen that detectors and objects are not displayed in the graphic. This occurs, for example, if objects are removed from the graphic to increase clarity, or objects are stored without GIS coordinates. You can add these objects by either finding objects that have GIS coordinates or adding objects without GIS coordinates. You can position, align and remove the symbols of objects or detectors in graphics.

Displaying Detectors and Objects in Graphics

  • The Engineering perspective is displayed.
  • The area has outlines.
  • The objects have a GIS location.
  1. In the graphic, right-click a blank space without graphic content.
  1. Select Find objects inside graphic.
  • The GIS position is calculated from the relative position of the objects in the graphic.
  • The previously non-visible detectors and objects appear at the saved GIS location in the graphic.

Adding Detectors or Objects Manually

This function can be used to resolve deficiencies in the AutoCAD file.

  • The Engineering perspective is displayed.
  1. Open a graphic or floor plan for which you want to add a detector or object.
  1. Right-click a blank space and select Find objects inside graphics.
  1. In the Location Tree, click an object and drag it to a position on the graphic.
  1. When the cursor is located at the required position with the object, release the left mouse button. This is only an approximate positioning.
  • The calculated GIS location is saved as an object property if the object does not have a saved GIS location.

Adding Several Detectors or Objects Manually

  • The Engineering perspective is displayed.
  1. In the Location Tree, select several objects you want to insert in the graphic.
  1. Click  Serial positioning in the menu bar of the Location Tree.
  1. Move the cursor into the graphic without pressing a mouse button.
  1. To cancel the action, click Esc.
  1. Click the graphic at the required position for every selected object.
  • The calculated GIS location is saved as an object property if the objects do not have a saved GIS location.

Repositioning Existing Objects

You can change the position of detectors in the graphic. This does not change the GIS coordinates.

  • The Engineering perspective is displayed.
  1. In the graphic, select the object you want to move.
  1. Press and hold the left mouse button and move the object to the new position.
  1. Release the left mouse button.

Aligning Objects in Graphics

You can align the position of detectors in the graphic. This does not change the GIS coordinates.

  • The Engineering perspective is displayed.
  1. In the graphic, select the objects you want to align.
  1. Right-click and select Align >.
  1. Choose one of the options.
  • The objects are aligned accordingly.

Positioning Collective Detector Lines in the Graphic

Issuing commands is only possible for the collective detector line but not for the collective detector.

  • The Engineering perspective is displayed.
  • A graphic is displayed.
  • In the System Tree, select a collective detector line and the corresponding collective detectors and drag them to the Graphics view.

Saving the GIS Location of Objects

After changing the position of objects in a graphic, you can permanently save the new position as GIS location.

  1. In the graphic, select the objects whose positions you want to save as GIS locations.
  1. Right-click and select Use displayed position as GIS position.
  1. Click Yes.

Removing Objects from Graphics

You can remove the symbols of detectors from the graphic. This does not delete objects from the data base.

  • The Engineering perspective is displayed.
  1. In the graphic, select the objects you want to remove.
  1. Right-click and select Delete Object(s) from Graphics.
  • The object symbols are removed from the graphic.