In the Administration perspective, you can define settings for both the runtime and engineering mode.
The layout of this perspective consists of the following elements:
- The Administration Tree (Administration Perspective) displays the settings for both the runtime and engineering mode.
- The Object Properties View displays the properties of a selected node.
- The Objects View displays a list of filtered objects.
- The Configuration Data View displays a history of all configurations made.
- The Runtime Data View displays a history of actions performed on the runtime client.
- The Tasks View displays the tasks to be processed.
Opening the Perspective
- In the toolbar, click the following symbol:
- Select the Administration perspective.
Related Tasks
- Authorizing OIS Connections
- Configuring the Status Bar
- Configuring Settings for Completed Messages and Events
- Configuring Workflows and Action Blocks
- Creating and Editing Workstations
- Creating Disciplines
- Data Import
- Deleting Disciplines
- Displaying Video Alarms
- Editing Disciplines
- Editing OIS Connections
- Editing VMS Camera Properties
- Establishing the Connection to the VMS
- Importing Graphics
- Periodically Deleting Operator Logs
- Starting OIS Connections