Installing the Launcher
- The software has been installed.
- The Siveillance Control server has been started.
- The hostname and the site name of the engineering server are known.
- The client and server require a network connection. The alarm systems to be configured must be connected to this network.
- The corresponding certificates have been installed in the installation phase.
- If you log in for the first time, enter the following address in the address bar of your browser:
- The login page appears in the language selected in the browser.
- Enter the following login data:
- User: Enter your username.
- Password: Enter your password.
- Language: Select a language.
- Click Download Launcher.
- A ZIP file is being downloaded.
- Open the file explorer and find the zipped folder.
- To unzip the entire folder, right-click and select Extract All, and then follow the instructions.
- Double-click the folder to open it.
- To quickly access the Siveillance Control client, create a shortcut to the SiveillanceControlLauncher.exe file on your desktop.
Starting the Software
- The launcher for the engineering client has been installed and a shortcut is created on the desktop.
- On the desktop double-click the shortcut to the SiveillanceControlLauncher.exe file to start the engineering client.
- The launcher immediately starts to download the Siveillance Control application.
- The login dialog is displayed.
- Enter the following data:
- User: Enter the username to log in with.
- Password: Enter your password.
- Click Log In.
- If the username or password are incorrect, the login button is grayed out for ten seconds and you are unable to log in.
- After three unsuccessful login attempts, an alarm message is generated in the Events/Messages perspective and is distributed to all workstations.
- In the login dialog, select a workstation.
- Click Start.
- If you log in for the first time, complete the following steps:
- In the Change Password dialog box, enter a new password.
- Retype the password to confirm it.
- Click Finish.
Starting the Software as a Standard User
You can log in to the running client using a standard user that is available by default in Siveillance Control. This standard user is able to access only a subset of the client's features due to its limited permissions. The standard user permissions can be easily configured according to the customer's needs. For more information refer to: Creating Authorization Rules.
After switching to the standard user, your workstation can be used for informational purposes, preventing unauthorized usage of it. Due to the limited permissions of the standard user, the following perspectives are available in the engineering client:
- Engineering
- Events/Messages
- Operator Log
To log in as a standard user, you have the following options:
- The engineering client is displayed.
- In the menu bar, select File > Log off and click OK.
- In the menu bar, select File > User Login. For more information on how to switch users and user groups, refer to: Switching Users.
- The system switches to the standard user of the Standard user group.
- To check the standard user's permissions, click System Engineering > Users > Standard > standard in the User and Authorization Management perspective.
Exiting the Software
- Time-critical alarms can still be processed by another operator.
- Time-critical alarms can still be processed by a supervisor, if you are the last user logging off.
- You have the following options to exit Siveillance Control:
- In the menu bar, click the following symbol:
- In the menu bar, click File > Exit.
- Confirm with Yes.
Loss of Connection: What to do?
When the connection is closed, no messages are received.
Responsibility for operation is thus passed to the alarm systems in order to ensure reliable alerting.
If the connection between a client and the server goes down temporarily, the client tries for 30 seconds to restore the connection automatically. After this time, a notice window is displayed. If the communication error window appears, restart the software.
If the connection is not restored after restart, contact the network administrator.