You can use the two-man rule annotation to determine that a command, such as resetting a detector, must be confirmed by a second operator. This reduces the risk of critical actions or controls being performed unintentionally by an operator. To configure the two-man rule, complete the following steps:

Creating Two-Man Rule Annotations

  • The OPS/Workflow Configuration perspective is displayed.
  1. In the Location Tree, right-click a node and select Create Annotation > Create Two-Man Rule Annotation.
  1. Enter a comment.
  1. In the Command drop-down list, select a command.
  1. Click Finish.

Defining Confirmation Rights

Initially, every user has the permission for everything. To deny the two-man confirmation right to some users or user groups, you have to withdraw this right manually from each of these users or user groups.

  • You are authorized as commissioning engineer for the two-man rule.
  • The User and Authorization Management perspective is displayed.
  1. In the Permissionable Objects view, right-click a group under the System node.
  1. Select Create Simple Permission Rule.
  1. In the Deny Rights/Function Groups field, click Add.
  1. Select Two-Man Confirmation.
  1. Click Finish.
  1. Enter a comment.
  1. Click Finish.

Defining a User-Specific PIN for the Confirmation Rights

In general, a user’s login password is also the PIN for the confirmation right. To change a PIN, complete the following steps:

  1. In the menu bar, select File > Change Password.
  1. In the Change Password dialog box, enter your current password.
  1. In the New Password field, enter your new password.
  1. In the Confirm Password field, enter your new password again.
  1. Click Finish or press Enter.

Editing Two-Man Rule Annotations

  • The OPS/Workflow Configuration perspective is displayed.
  1. In the Two-Man Rule view, you have the following options to edit the annotation:
  • Right-click the annotation and select Edit Two-Man Rule Annotation.
  • Double-click the annotation.
  1. Enter your changes.
  1. Click Finish.

Deleting Two-Man Rule Annotations

  • The OPS/Workflow Configuration perspective is displayed.
  1. In the Two-Man Rule view, right-click the annotation you want to delete and select Delete Object(s) from Database.
  1. Click Yes.