You can create and edit filters in the trees to filter the respective views of the Events/Messages perspective. For example, if you enable a filter in the Messages (Filter) tree to filter the Message List view, then appropriately filtered subsets of messages for that view are displayed in the system.
Creating Filters
You can create filters. The new created filter needs to extend the filter provided by an existing filter node in the respective tree.
- The Events/Messages perspective is displayed.
- In either the Messages (Filter), System States (Filter) or Events (Filter) tree, right-click the existing filter node where you want to create a new filter and select Add Filter.
- Enter the filter’s name.
- Define filter’s settings by using regular expressions which specify the database query to be performed when the filter is enabled:
- Right-click the Filter („AND“ Linked) node and select New ‘Condition’.
- Select a condition and define values you want to apply to the filter.
- Click Finish.
- The new created filter appears bellow the parent node in the respective tree.
- To enable the filter, double-click it.
- The filter is enabled, and the corresponding list displays the results of the filtering accordingly. The number of elements found is displayed in brackets in the filter’s title.
Examples of Using Filters
Filtering Messages with a Specific Closure Type
To create a filter to search for all messages with a specific closure type, for example Normal, proceed as follows:
- The Events/Messages perspective is displayed.
- In the Messages (Filter) tree, right-click the Finished node and select Add Filter.
- Name: Enter Normal.
- Filter Settings: Right-click the Filter („AND“ Linked) node and select New ‘Condition’. Select the Equals condition.
- Attribute: Click the drop-down menu and select Closure Type.
- Closure Type: Click
, select Normal and click Finish.
- Click Finish.
- Double-click the filter.
- The filter is enabled, and the Message List view displays the results of the filtering accordingly.
Filtering Detector Messages of a Specific Discipline
To create a filter to search for all detector messages of a specific discipline, for example fire, proceed as follows:
- The Events/Messages perspective is displayed.
- In the Messages (Filter) tree, right-click the Finished node and select Add Filter.
- Name: Enter Fire.
- Filter Settings: Right-click the Filter („AND“ Linked) node and select New ‘Condition’. Select the Referenced Object condition.
- Click the Attribute drop-down menu and select Originating Object.
- Right-click the condition and select New ‘Filter on attribute of referenced object’ and select the Equals condition.
- Attribute: Click the drop-down menu and select Discipline.
- Value: Click
, select fire and click Finish.
- Click Finish.
- Double-click the filter.
- The filter is enabled, and the Message List view displays the results of the filtering accordingly.
Filtering Detectors of a Specific Discipline
To create a filter to search for all detector of a specific discipline, for example fire, proceed as follows:
- The Events/Messages perspective is displayed.
- In the System States (Filter) tree, right-click the Detector Group node > Alarms and select Add Filter.
- Name: Enter Fire.
- Filter Settings: Right-click the Filter („AND“ Linked) node and select New ‘Condition’. Select the Equals condition.
- Attribute: Click the drop-down menu and select Discipline.
- Value: Enter fire and click Finish.
- Click Finish.
- Double-click the filter.
- The filter is enabled, and the System State List view displays the results of the filtering accordingly.
Editing Filters
- The Events/Messages perspective is displayed.
- The filter has been created.
- In either the Messages (Filter), System States (Filter) or Events (Filter) tree, right-click a filter node which you want to edit and select Edit Table Filter Settings.
- Select the name of the list the changes are to be applied to.
- You can edit the following information:
- Inherit Filter Settings: To inherit filter settings of the parent node in the respective tree, keep the default settings. This means that the filter settings set for the parent node are inherited along the subordinate objects. Otherwise, unmark the check box.
- Filter Settings: Create additional conditions or enter your changes for the values of the existing conditions. To delete the condition created, right-click it and select Delete. If you have several conditions, you can move them up and down by right-clicking a condition and selecting either Move down or Move up.
- Click Finish.