With annotations specific information or configuration data is assigned to tree nodes of the location tree. There are two ways searching annotations along the location tree:
- Collecting all annotations from bottom to top in the location tree
- This applies to:
- Operation procedure steps
- Automatic message reactions
- Graphics sequences and camera sequences
- Access and exit paths
- Notes
- First matching annotation when searching from bottom to top in the location tree
- This applies to:
- Message handling
- Workflow handling
- Two-man rule
- Mandatory Comment
- Print templates
Operation Procedure Step Annotations
Operation Procedure Steps are instructions for an operator which are displayed if an event is created. The event creation is always caused by one or several messages triggered by a detector. Annotations can be created for every element in the location tree. The usage of OPS annotations depends on the location, keyword, subkeyword and escalation level. OPS annotations can be combined for different scenarios by adding OPS annotations at different levels of the location tree.
For Operation Procedure Step annotations the following applies:
- The OPS annotations are collected from bottom to top through the location tree structure, starting with the area of the detector that triggered a message and ending with the root area, for example the building or site.
- The found OPS annotations are sorted by line number. The annotation with the lowest line number is displayed at the top.
- When an event is created and displayed in the Rate Message window, the sorted list of OPS annotations will be displayed in the Operation Procedure Steps tab.
- If an OPS annotation from a lower node should replace the annotations with the same line number further up in the tree, the OPS annotation can be marked with the attribute Overwrite with Same Line Number = true.
- When the attribute Overwrite with Same Line Number is set to true for an OPS annotation, and the OPS annotation view is refreshed, all other OPS annotations with the same line number that are assigned higher up in the tree are hidden in the OPS annotation view of the corresponding area.
Equal line numbers can result in undefined sorting of all OPS annotations with that equal line number.
The location tree contains a site called Campus. The Campus site is structured with four buildings Entrance, Campus North, Campus South and Campus West.
For the Campus site an OPS annotation with text information is defined. The text informs about the telephone number of the responsible security service in case of alarms. The OPS then first applies to all buildings and has line number 2.
If there are different security service departments responsible for the buildings Campus North, Campus South and Campus West another OPS annotation with text information can be defined showing the telephone number of the responsible security service department.
This OPS has line number 2 and the attribute Overwrite With Same Line Number is set to true.
This ensures that the special number appears for the specific building and the overall number for all other areas.
The OPS annotations can be defined like shown in the following table:
Site | Building | OPS | Annotated Object | Line number | Overwrite With Same Line Number |
Campus |
| OPS 1 | Campus | 0 | false |
OPS 2 | Campus | 1 | false | ||
Call security service 010/333-0 | Campus | 2 | false | ||
Entrance | OPS 1 | Campus | 0 | false | |
OPS 2 | Campus | 1 | false | ||
Call security service 010/333-0 | Campus | 2 | false | ||
Building North | OPS 1 | Campus | 0 | false | |
OPS 2 | Campus | 1 | false | ||
Call security service 010/333-01 | Building North | 2 | true | ||
Building South | OPS 1 | Campus | 0 | false | |
OPS 2 | Campus | 1 | false | ||
Call security service 010/333-02 | Building South | 2 | true | ||
Building West | OPS 1 | Campus | 0 | false | |
OPS 2 | Campus | 1 | false | ||
Call security service 010/333-03 | Building West | 2 | true |
Message Handling and Workflow Handling Annotations
A message handling annotation defines how an incoming message is processed. A workflow handling annotation defines the workflow which is used for an event. Depending on the used workflow OPSs are assigned to process an event. Different annotations can be assigned to different location tree levels.
For message handling and workflow handling annotations the following applies:
- The location tree is searched for message handling or workflow handling annotations from bottom to top.
- The first matching message handling or workflow handling annotation is considered and used for further processing.