Creating Objects
The basic steps for creating objects manually are described.
- The Engineering perspective is displayed.
- Select an area or object in the Location Tree.
- Right-click the area or object and select New > [Object name].
- Enter the following information:
- Instance Name: Enter a name for the object.
- Number of Instances: Enter the number for the object to be created.
- Comment: Enter a comment to provide additional information on the object.
- Click Next.
- Enter the following information:
- Number on First Object: Mark the check box to use the following numbering for all objects to be created. Unmark the check box to use the previously entered instance name for the first object. The following numbering is used for the additional objects.
- Multiple Name Pattern: The standard numbering consists of the previously entered instance name "${NAME}" and a consecutive number "(${NO})". You can adapt this expression, for example by removing the brackets or adding other characters.
- If you want to create more than one object, enter the information on the second page.
- Click Finish.
Changing Object Types Manually
You can manually change the object type. The functionality is only available for TBS objects and objects derived from TBS object.
- The subsystem data points are imported. For more information refer to: Importing Subsystem Data Points and Objects.
- You are logged in as user with administrative rights.
- The Engineering perspective is displayed.
- In the Location Tree, System Tree or Objects view or Field Elements view, right-click the object whose type you want to change and select Objects > Change Object Type. To select several objects, simultaneously press Ctrl and click several objects. To select all objects, click the first object, press Shift and click the last object.
- To change the object type, you have the following options:
- Type to change to: Select a type the object is to be changed to.
- Test run: To display a report on changes to be made, keep the default setting. Otherwise, unmark the check box. Keep in mind that only a database backup can undo the object type change. To confirm the warning message, click Acknowledge.
- To apply the object type change, click Finish.
- Click Finish.
- The dialog box about the changes made is displayed.
- Click OK.
Editing Object Properties
You can edit most of the object property values.
Do not use the Restore Default Value.
- The Engineering perspective is displayed.
- Select an object in either the Location, System or Graphics Tree.
- In the Object Properties view, click a value you want to edit.
- The edit mode is switched on.
- If the edit mode is not switched on, then you either do not have the required rights to edit the property value or the property value is an read only attribute.
- You have the following options:
- For many objects, you can add a comment in the General > Comment field.
- For properties under Custom Properties you can enter free text.
- For simple data types, enter new values using the keyboard and press Enter.
- For complex types or object references, you can click
. An additional dialog box appears.
- If a property only allows one value from a predefined list, you can select the value from a drop-down list.
Deleting Objects from the Database
The action cannot be undone.
- Right-click one or more existing objects and select Delete Object(s) from Database.
- Click Yes.
Setting External Sources
By setting the external source, you can manually assign alarm systems from OIS to a detector object.
- Either the Location, System, Graphics Tree or Field Elements view is displayed.
- Right-click an object and select Objects > Set External Source.
- You can enter the following information:
- Set This External Source: This value represents the external source to be set.
- To Objects of This Type: This value defines the object type in the tree to which the operation is to be applied.
- Include Derived Types: If the check box is marked, the operation also applies to types that derived from the selected type.
- Physical Elements Only: If the check box is marked, the operation is only performed for automation objects where the Physical Element attribute is set to the value yes/true.
- If No Source Is Set: The operation is only performed if no value has been set yet for the External Source attribute. If the check box is unmarked, any existing values are overwritten.
- Recursion Depth: This value indicates for how many tree layers the operation is to be performed. If the value is <0, the operation is performed through the leaf nodes.
- Click Finish.
Setting External IDs
The external ID defines the ID for which a detector is known within an alarm system in OIS.
- Either the Location, System, Graphics Tree or Field Elements view is displayed.
- Right-click an object and select Objects > Set External ID.
- You can enter the following information:
- Set This External ID: This value represents the external ID to be set.
- To Upper Case: If the check box is marked, all letters are converted to uppercase letters.
- Remove Special Characters: If the check box is marked, the special characters are replaced for the ID entered.
- To Objects of This Source: Sets the external ID for objects of this external source.
- To Objects of This Type: This value defines the object type in the tree to which the operation is to be applied.
- Include Derived Types: If the check box is marked, the operation also applies to types that derived from the selected type.
- If No Source Is Set: The operation is only performed if no value has been set yet for the External ID attribute. If the check box is unmarked, any existing values are overwritten.
- Recursion Depth: This value indicates for how many tree layers the operation is to be performed. If the value is <0, the operation is performed through the leaf nodes.
- Click Finish.
Setting Visualization Variants
The visualization variant is a symbol displayed in the graphic that is associated with the objects. You can specify the visualization variant for one or more objects. The selection is restricted to the corresponding object type.
- Either the Location, System, Graphics Tree or Field Elements view is displayed.
- Right-click a tree node in the Location Tree, System Tree or Graphics Tree, or right-click an object from the Field Elements view and select Set Visualization Variant.
- Enter a recursion depth.
- Select an object in the Set for All Objects of Type field.
- Only the visualization variants available for this object are displayed.
- To include derived types, keep the default settings.
- Select a mounting type.
- Select a visualization variant.
- Click Finish.
Setting Disciplines for Multiple Objects
- Either the Location, System, Graphics Tree or Field Elements view is displayed.
- Right-click several objects.
- Select Objects > Set Discipline.
- You can enter the following information:
- Set This Discipline: This value represents the discipline to bet set.
- To Objects of This Type: This value defines the object type in the tree to which the operation is to be applied.
- Include Derived Types: If the check box is marked, the operation also applies to types that derived from the selected type.
- If No Source Is Set: The operation is only performed if no value has been set yet for the Discipline attribute. If the check box is unmarked, any existing values are overwritten.
- Recursion Depth: This value indicates for how many tree layers the operation is to be performed. If the value is <0, the operation is performed through the leaf nodes.
- Click Finish.
Setting Sources for Manually Created Objects
This option allows you to change the object type on the basis of the device mapping.
- The Engineering perspective is displayed.
- Right-click a node in the Location Tree or System Tree, or right-click an object from the Field Elements view.
- Select Objects > Set Source to Manually Created.
Setting Detection Location to Superior Areas
You can manually assign one or more detectors to an alarm location. The function applies to all lower-level detectors in the tree as well.
- The Engineering perspective is displayed.
- In the Location Tree, you have the following options:
- To define an alarm location for a detector, right-click an individual object.
- To define an alarm location for every individual detector in a detector zone, right-click a detector zone.
- To define an alarm location for all subordinate areas and for each individual detector zone including all individual detectors of this are, right-click an area.
- Select Objects > Set the Detection Location to Superior Area.
Adjusting the Zoom Factor of Objects
The visibility of detectors and objects can be controlled in accordance with zoom levels. You can display details by zooming in and remove details by zooming out.
- The Engineering perspective is displayed.
- A graphic is displayed.
- To automatically perform the calculation of all zoom factors for detector and object data refer to: Managing Virtual Group Detectors.
- To adjust the zoom factor for several objects manually, complete the following steps:
- In the Location Tree, select several objects.
- Right-click the objects and select Objects > Set Zoom Factor(s).
- To set the zoom factor for lower-level objects, keep the recursion depth -1.
- To adjust the zoom factor for individual objects manually, complete the following steps:
- Double-click the object in the Location Tree.
- In the Style view, select the Positioning attributes tab.
- Edit the style attributes and click Save Style attributes.
Managing Notes
Notes offer the possibility to communicate important information regarding objects to operators.
Creating Notes
- The Annotations perspective is displayed.
- In the Location Tree, right-click an area to which you want to add the note and select CreateAnnotation > Create Notes.
- Describe the note and its purpose. You have the following options:
- Instance Name: Enter a unique name if necessary.
- Line Number: The line number controls the order in which the notes are displayed. The smaller the line number, the higher up the note is displayed. If the line number is the same, the note is displayed in accordance with the hierarchy in the Location Tree. The notes for the higher-level objects are displayed first followed by the notes for lower-level objects.
Check the accuracy of the note annotations in this case.
- Overwrite with Same Line Number: This option can be used to replace notes from higher-level nodes. If this check box is marked, note annotations that come from higher-level nodes and have the same line number are overwritten or replaced.
- Propagate to Children of Annotated Object: If this check box is marked, this note will be displayed for subordinate nodes. If this check box is unmarked, the inheritance of notes by lower level objects is suppressed.
- Active: You can use this option to ignore an existing note. If this check box is unmarked, the note will not be displayed under any circumstances.
- Notes: Enter the information for the content to be displayed in the text field. All content can be formatted with HTML tags. You can use static (like names, phone numbers) and dynamic or status-dependent content (by means of attributes).
- Preview: You can see a preview of the notes. The text field is non-editable.
- Click Finish.
Adding Dynamic Content
You can add dynamic content to a note in form of attributes:
- The Annotations perspective is displayed.
- In the Notes view, right-click the note or annotation you and select EditNotes.
- Position the cursor in the text field where to add dynamic content.
- Click
and select Variables > Annotated object info.
- Click a menu item.
- The corresponding attribute (dynamic text) is inserted in the text field.
- Enter the information. Dynamic content starts with $. The following groups are available:
${mo. ... }: | Gives information on the selected object. Be aware that notes are inherited meaning that they can also be displayed for lower-level objects. The information for the object selected in the Location Tree is displayed with this attribute. |
${annotated. ... }: | Gives information on the annotated object. Every note is saved as an annotation and assigned to an object. This attribute provides you with access to the object whose note is displayed. |
${annotation. ... }: | Gives information on the annotation. Every note is saved as an annotation. This attribute provides you with access to the values in the actual note. |
Checking Notes
- Either the Annotations or Engineering perspective is displayed.
- In the Location Tree, select an object.
- The notes for the selected object appear in the Info view.
Editing Notes
- The Annotations perspective is displayed.
- In the Location Tree, select an area.
- In the Info view, notes that have been added directly for the object and notes from higher-levelobjects that belong to the object trough inheritance are displayed.
- In the Notes view, right-click the annotation you want to and select Edit Notes.
- Enter your changes and click Finish.
Deleting Notes
- The Annotations perspective is displayed.
- In the Location Tree, select an area.
- In the Notes view, right-click the note you want to delete and select Delete Object(s) from Database.
- Click Yes.
- To apply the changes, click
Editing Graphic Properties
- The Engineering perspective is displayed.
- A graphic is displayed.
- In the Location Tree, select an object.
- In the Style view, you can edit the following:
- Line Style: You can select a line style, color, width, arrow type and arrow size.
- Fill Style:You can select a fill style, color, background color, pattern, gradient and transparency.
- Font Style:You can select a font, size, color and appearance (bold, italic, underline, strikethrough).
- Visible: You can define the visibility.
- Blink: You can define whether the object blinks or not.
- Click
Save style attributes.
Setting Current Values as Default
Default styles allow you to transfer modified attribute values to other objects quickly and easily.
- A graphic is displayed.
- In the Location Tree, select an object, whose graphics properties and orientation settings you want to use as default settings.
- Click
Set current values as default.
- Click
Save style attributes.
Configuring Default Styles
You can display and edit the default styles.
- A graphic is displayed.
- The Style view is displayed.
- Click
Configure default styles.
- Enter your changes. For more information refer to: Configuring Graphics Styles.
- Click
Save style attributes.
Loading Default Styles
- A graphic is displayed.
- In the Location Tree, select an object to which you want to transfer the default styles.
- In the Style view, click
Load default styles.
- Click
Save style attributes.
Adding Graphical Overlays to Detectors
For detectors additional graphical information can be defined in a graphical overlay. When a detector triggers a message and the message or the related event is viewed in the Message Rate window the graphical information on the overlay of the detector is shown in the Graphics view.
- The Engineering perspective is displayed.
- In the Graphics view a graphic with detector symbols is displayed.
- The graphic has been calibrated.
- The area outlines have been defined.
- The access and escape paths have been defined.
- Right-click the detector symbol in the graphic, for which you want to add graphical information.
- Select Edit Graphical Overlay.
- The graphical overlay and drawing tool icons are displayed.
- Add the graphical information.
- Click
Save Graphical Overlay.
- Click
Finish Graphical Overlay Editing.
Removing Graphical Overlays from Detectors
- The Engineering perspective is displayed.
- In the Graphics view a graphic with detector symbols is displayed.
- Graphical information has been added to the overlay of a detector.
- Right-click the detector symbol in the graphic, for which you want to remove graphical information.
- Select Edit Graphical Overlay.
- The graphical overlay with graphical information and drawing tool icons are displayed.
- Right-click the graphical information, which you want to remove and click Delete.
- Click
Save Graphical Overlay.
- Click
Finish Graphical Overlay Editing.