You can configure the settings for graphics visualizations, lists and the operator log for the Events/Messages perspective.
Configuring the Object Visibility
You can control how the +3, +5 and Single perspectives are displayed in the runtime mode.
- In the menu bar, select Window > Preferences.
- Select Siveillance Control > Messages.
- In the Object Visibility drop-down list, you have the following options:
- Active object and same discipline: When you click a message in the Message List view, the active objects belonging to the message are visible in the site plan graphic. Objects belonging to the same discipline as the active objects are also visible.
- All non-quiet detectors: When you click a message in the Message List view, all objects in the corresponding site plan graphic that are not in quiet state are visible.
- All objects in graphics: When you click a message in the Message List view, all objects in the corresponding site plan graphic are visible.
- Only active object: When you click a message in the Message List view, the active detectors belonging to the message are visible in the site plan graphic.
- Click OK.
Configuring the Symbol Size of Active Detectors in the Message List View
You can configure the symbols of detectors that triggered a message such that they are displayed larger than the other symbols when in active state.
- In the menu bar, select Window > Preferences.
- Select Siveillance Control > Messages.
- Enter a factor in the Factor for symbol size of active detectors field. For example, you can enter 2.0 to display the symbol twice its size or 1.0 to display the original size.
- Click OK.
Configuring Blinking Detector Symbols
You can highlight detector symbols of open events and messages in the graphics by defining regular blinking.
- In the menu bar, select Window > Preferences.
- Select Siveillance Control > Messages.
- Enter the milliseconds in the Active device blink timer (ms) field. For example, enter 500 ms for the object to be visible for 500 ms and invisible for the next 500 ms.
- Click OK.
Configuring the Maximum Number of Displayed Messages
The Message List view displays 1,000 messages by default. If more than 1,000 messages exist, the low priority messages are not displayed. You can edit the maximum number of messages.
If the maximum number is increased, this may have a negative impact on the response times in the Message List view.
- In the menu bar, select Window > Preferences.
- Select Siveillance Control > Messages.
- Enter a number in the Maximum Number of Displayed Messages field.
- Click OK.
Configuring Reset Message List View Filters
You can define the number of seconds of inactivity after which the filtering of the message list is canceled and the Message List view is reset automatically to the default values.
- In the menu bar, select Window > Preferences.
- Select Siveillance Control > Messages.
- Choose a time from the Reset Message List Filter drop-down list.
- Click OK.
Collapsing all Submessages
You can define a time after which displayed submessages are hidden again.
- In the menu bar, select Window > Preferences.
- Select Siveillance Control > Messages.
- Choose a time from the Collapse All Submessages drop-down list.
- Click OK.
Adding Entries for Completed Messages to the Operator Log
You can add an entry to the Operator Log for every completed message in the case of collective completion.
- In the menu bar, select Window > Preferences.
- Select Siveillance Control > Messages.
- To add an entry for every completed message, mark the Log Every Summarized Closed Message check box.
- Click OK.
Configuring Colors and Audios for Incoming Messages
The meaning of various messages is indicated visually and acoustically by using different colors and audios. You can adjust the colors and customize audio to meet your individual requirements.
Making changes to colors and audio falls within the scope of responsibility of the administrator or commissioning engineer.
- Audio files are imported. For more details on importing audio files, refer Audio File Import.
- In the menu bar, select Window > Preferences.
- Select Siveillance Control > Messages > Colors and Audio.
- You can adjust the colors for the following types of messages:
- Event Reminder: For notifications that give reminders to process events.
- Invalid Message: Color for an OIS message with unknown parameters.
- Spatial Triggered Message: For objects or detectors with manually created messages.
- State Messages: Colors for various types of OIS messages. Default Color Quiet Message Without Previous Message, Default Colors Idle Message used for color inversion, Default Colors Closed Message used for all completed message types.
- Subsystem Colors: Colors for different subsystems.
- Unknown Device Messages: Color for OIS messages pointing to detectors currently unknown to Siveillance Control.
- You can adjust the audio for the following message:
- State Messages: Audio for several types of OIS messages.
- Select a node for which you want to change the color.
- Select State Messages > Colors and Audio for States and select a node to change the audio.
- Select a color for Text Color or Background Color.
- Select next to the Audio field and select an audio file from the Choose Audio File dialog box.
- Click OK.
- To activate the changed setings, quit Siveillance Control and login again.
Configuring Type Priorities
The type priority impacts the sorting of messages in the Message List view. If two messages are identical in terms of message status, message type and discipline, the message whose detector type has the higher type priority is assigned a higher priority. By default, all detector types have the priority 3 for High. You can configure the type priority of the individual detector types separately for the fire alarm technology, intrusion detection technology, and access control.
- You are logged in to an engineering client.
- In the menu bar, select Window > Preferences.
- Select Siveillance Control > Type Priority.
- Select one of the domains: Domain Access, Domain Fire or Domain Intrusion.
- Select a priority from the drop-down list for the required detector type.
- Click OK.
Configuring Reminder Time
You can set a time to receive a reminder acoustic for any unseen messages. This helps the operator to not to forget any of the messages that are not processed.
- In the menu bar, select Window > Preferences.
- Select Siveillance Control > Messages.
- Select a reminder time from the Reminder Time for messages drop-down list.
- Click OK.