Default disciplines are available upon delivery, such as the fire alarm technology discipline. Disciplines can also be created or imported by means of a MOX import. You can also create new disciplines manually. Keywords and subkeywords are automatically created for disciplines. With keywords and subkeywords you can define operation procedure steps.
Importing Default Data
- The Engineering perspective is displayed.
- The defaultDisciplines.mox file is available.
- The defaultVisualizationVariants.mox file is available.
- The defaultAccessRouteGraphics.mox file is available.
- In the toolbar, click
Import Data.
- In the Data channel field, select aloXerv exchange format.
- Click Next.
- Select the defaultDisciplines.mox file.
- In the MOX Detail Change dialog box, keep the default settings and click Next. For more information refer to: Advanced Import Settings.
- Select the import settings. For more information refer to: Import Settings.
- Click Finish.
- Repeat the steps for the defaultVisualizationVariants.mox file and the defaultAccessRouteGraphics.mox file.
Creating Disciplines
- The Administration perspective is displayed.
- Right-click System > Disciplines and select New > Discipline.
- Enter the discipline name.
- To create more than one discipline, enter the appropriate number in the Number of Instances field.
- Enter a comment if necessary.
- Click Next.
- To display the first object with a number, mark the Number on First Object check box. Otherwise, it will not be numbered.
- To enter your own name pattern, change the default name in the Multiple Name Pattern field.
- Click Finish.
Creating Standard Event Types for New Disciplines
After creating a new discipline, you have to create corresponding event types for this discipline.
- The Administration perspective is displayed.
- In the Administration tree, right-click System > Event types.
- Select Create default keywords.
- The keywords for this event are created.
Editing Disciplines
You can edit several values for disciplines. For example, you can define a layer for a discipline. If this layer then is displayed in the graphic, the corresponding symbols and detectors from the discipline are displayed, too. Furthermore, you can define the sort order for disciplines in order to enable the prioritized display of important messages for disciplines in the Message List view. The smaller the value for the sort order, the higher up a message appears.
After an update or upgrade, the adapted visualization variants are not reset to the default visualization variants.
- The Administration perspective is displayed.
- A discipline has been created.
- Under System > Discipline, select a discipline you want to change.
- In the Object Properties view, select the property you want to change.
- To edit the instance name, complete the following steps:
- Click the Instance Name value.
- Enter your change and press Enter.
- To edit the layers, complete the following steps:
- Click the Layer value.
- Select a layer. You can only select from already existing layers that were imported with the AutoCAD files. For more information refer to: Importing Graphics.
- To define whether the instance name or layer is displayed as discipline name in the trees, complete the following steps:
- Click the Display Instance Name value.
- To display the instance name as discipline name in the tree, select true.
- To display the layer as discipline name in the tree, select false.
- To edit the category, complete the following steps:
- Click the Category value.
- Select a value: Safety or Security.
- To edit the priority of a discipline, complete the following steps:
- Click the Sort order value.
- Enter a value and press Enter. The smaller the value for the sort order, the higher up a message appears. The default sequence value is defined as follows: 10 for fire, 20 for intrusion and 100 for other disciplines.
Adding Detectors to a Discipline
In order to be able to configure events with operation procedure steps for messages, a detector must be assigned to a discipline. Generally, detectors are already assigned during the graphic import or the Find objects inside graphic function. However, you can also add detectors manually.
- The Location Tree is displayed.
- A detector has been imported.
- Select a detector.
- In the Object Properties view, select the Discipline value.
- Select the discipline to which you want to add the detector.
- Click Finish.
- To add multiple detectors to the same discipline, refer to: Setting Disciplines for Multiple Objects.
Setting Disciplines
Disciplines are a requirement for creating events and operation procedure steps. Each detector has to be assigned to a discipline. Usually, this is done automatically during the import process, but it can be necessary to assign them manually for example for setting all cameras serving the intrusion detection to an intrusion discipline.
Settings Disciplines Manually for Objects
- The Location Tree is displayed.
- Select an object.
- In the Object Properties view, select the Discipline value.
- Select a discipline.
- Click Finish.
Setting Disciplines for Multiple Objects
- Either the Location, System or Graphics Tree is displayed.
- Right-click several objects.
- Select Objects > Set Discipline.
- You can enter the following information:
- Set This Discipline: This value represents the discipline to bet set.
- To Objects of This Type: This value defines the object type in the tree to which the operation is to be applied.
- Include Derived Types: If the check box is marked, the operation also applies to types that derived from the selected type.
- If No Source Is Set: The operation is only performed if no value has been set yet for the Discipline attribute. If the check box is unmarked, any existing values are overwritten.
- Recursion Depth: This value indicates for how many tree layers the operation is to be performed. If the value is <0, the operation is performed through the leaf nodes.
- Click Finish.
Setting Disciplines for Graphic Layers
In order to display detector symbols in graphics you have to assign a layer to a discipline. Only if the layer corresponding to the discipline is displayed in the graphic, the detector symbols are displayed, too.
- The Location Tree is displayed.
- Open the Layer view.
- Select a discipline.
- In the Object Properties view, select Layer.
- Choose the layer to which you want to assign the discipline.
- To activate the changes, close all graphics.
Deleting Disciplines
- The Administration perspective is displayed.
- Right-click a discipline and select Delete Object(s) from Database.
- Click Yes.
- The discipline and all corresponding keywords and subkeywords are deleted. Corresponding operation procedure steps can become inoperative.