You can configure how symbols for objects and detectors are labeled in graphics. If you do not change anything all labels are displayed with the default settings. There are different levels of changed label settings:

  1. General label settings that apply to all labels. The general label settings replace the default settings. Refer to: Configuring Labels.
  2. Object type specific label settings that apply to labels of symbols for objects of that object type. Object type specific label settings are inherited by all children of the object type. Refer to: Configuring Type Specific Labels.
  3. Individual label settings that apply to one single object. Refer to: Configuring Individual Labels.
  4. Additionally you can change the displayed label text for an OIS component and all its children in the System Tree. Refer to: Configuring Subsystem Specific Text in Labels.

Examples for Changed Label Settings

The following pictures show some examples how you can change the labels of graphics symbols.


General Label Settings


Labels are displayed with default settings.


In the Graphic Attributes tab, a blue frame is added to the general label settings.


In the Offset/Size tab, the height is changed to 0.5 cm for general label settings.


After clicking OK, labels are displayed with changed general settings.


Type Specific Label Settings



The label settings for TBS detector inherit the general label settings. The inherited setting “blue frame” is also displayed on the Graphic Attributes tab.


A type specific label setting “bold font” is added for TBS Detector.


All labels in the graphic section inherit the setting from TBS Detector and are displayed with bold font.



A type specific label setting “red font” is added for Fire Detector.


A type specific label setting “yellow background” is added for Intrusion Detector.


Labels with different settings are displayed differently in the graphic section.


Individual Label Setting


A symbol is selected in the graphic.


The Style view is open.


In the Offset/Size tab, the position is changed to “left of symbol”.


After saving the individual label setting, the label is displayed left of the symbol.


Deleted Type Specific Label Setting


The previously changed label setting for TBS Detector is selected.


After pressing the delete button, the setting “bold font” is removed. There is no more type specific setting for TBS Detector.


The labels in the graphic section do no longer inherit the setting from TBS Detector and are displayed with normal font.

Configuring Individual Labels

How symbols for objects and detectors are labeled in graphics is defined under Window > Preferences. There are general settings that apply to labels of graphic symbols for all object types and type specific settings that are inherited down along the object types tree. You can also change the label of one individual symbol in the graphic.

  • The Engineering perspective is displayed.
  1. In the Graphic view, right-click one symbol.
  1. In the Style view, you can change the settings for the label in the Text tab. You have the following options:
  • Displayed Value: You can choose from a dropdown list which attribute of the object is displayed as label of the symbol in the graphic.
  • Text Filter: You can define a regular expression to cut the displayed text, for example, the regular expression “11 “[3] displays only the last 3 characters after the prefix “11 “.
  • Position Offset Y (cm): You can define the vertical distance of the label from the graphic symbol.
  • Position Offset X (cm): You can define the horizontal distance of the label from the graphic symbol.
  • Position : You can choose from default positions relative to the graphics symbol.
  • Height (cm): You can define the height of the label.
  1. You can hide the label, if you unmark the Visible checkbox in the Graphic Attributes tab. To display the label, leave the Visible checkbox marked.
  1. With the Undo button , you can undo unsaved changes. The inherited settings for labels apply.
  1. With the Delete button , you can delete all general and inherited settings for the label of that symbol.
  1. Click on Save.
  • The display of the label is updated accordingly in the graphic.

Configuring Subsystem Specific Text in Labels

You can change the text in labels of graphic symbols for all objects that belong to an OIS component.

  • The Engineering perspective is displayed.
  • All objects that belong to an OIS component are configured properly in the System Tree view.
  1. In the System Tree view, right-click an OIS component and select Configure Labels of Graphic Symbols (Recursive for All Child Nodes).
  1. In the dialog box, you have the following options:
  • Displayed Value: You can choose from a drop-down list which attribute of the object is displayed as label in the graphic.
  • Text Filter: You can define a regular expression to cut the displayed text, for example, the regular expression “11 “[3] displays only the last 3 characters after the prefix “11 “.
  1. Click Finish.
  • The displayed labels of child objects of the OIS component are updated in the graphic.
  1. To transmit the changes to the runtime server, perform activation in the runtime client.