Distributing messages to different workstations allows the operator to control messages in Siveillance Control and enables him to only concentrate on those messages, which he is responsible for. Thus, considerably reduces his workload. With the help of message distribution, you can for example, configure Siveillance Control to immediately forward fire alarms to the fire department command center. In addition, you can also forward fire as well as intrusion alarms to the security control center. Depending on the requirements, you can create workstations and define the way Siveillance Control reacts to messages.

You can define exceptions for message handling via message control. This also applies when using operation modes. A message for which no message control type can be identified in the system is displayed at all workstations. A message for which a message control type can be identified in the system is only displayed at the assigned workstation. However, this does not mean that these workstations are exclusively responsible for these messages.

If neither the configured standby nor the regular workstation is available, the messages are suppressed. Not having standby workstations can also be useful. For example, in case of technical messages which are displayed and processed on the operator’s workstation during the day but do not need to be taken into account at night because the workstation is not manned.

Basically, all workstations are responsible for all messages without further configuration. With message control configured in Siveillance Control it is possible to restrict the responsibility for messages to individual workstations based on certain criteria. For more information, refer to: Creating Message Control Types and Creating Message Control Rules. By default, all workstations, which are not listed in the Regular Workstations group, are standby workstations. A single workstation or no workstation can be configured in the Standby Workstations group. To check the current configuration in both, Regular Workstations or Standby Workstations group, use the Object Properties view.

The message control functionality is implemented for the following messages:

  • Subsystem messages, known and unknown data points.
  • Simulated messages.

To control messages, proceed as follows:

Presentation Types

Every message control rule has a presentation type. With the presentation type you can define the behavior of messages:

  • To better distinguish between messages, you can add different alarm sounds for different messages.
  • To better identify where a message comes from you can change the colors for messages in a color setting. The color setting used in the presentation type is applied to all messages through the message control rule in dependance of the location, discipline, group ID or message type.
  • To prevent messages from being overseen on the workstation you can define a reminder time. An audio is played, if the message is not opened during the period.
  • To prevent messages from not being processed in a reasonable response time, you can configure unseen messages to be displayed on standby workstations or all workstations after a certain amount of time has passed.

The behavior defined in the presentation type overwrites settings for messages made under Preferences > Siveillance Control > Messages.

Creating Message Control Types

A message control type is a set of configurations which can be assigned to message control rules. By default, Siveillance Control distributes messages to all workstations, if no message control type is configured.

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  1. In the Administration tree, right-click System > Message Control > Message Control Types and select Create Message Control Type.
  1. Enter the name of the message control type and click Finish.
  • A message control type is created.
  • For the message control type, the Regular Workstations and Standby Workstations group is automatically created.

The Regular and Standby Workstations group is first empty and does not contain any workstations. The workstations need to be added to the appropriate group. Workstations of the Regular Workstations group always display messages. Workstations of the Standby Workstations group only display messages, if no workstations are available in the Regular Workstations group.

Editing Message Control Types

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  • A message control type is created.
  1. In the Administration tree, select Message Control Types > [Message Control Type].
  1. In the Object Properties view, enter your changes.

Deleting Message Control Types

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  • A message control type is created.
  1. In the Administration tree, right-click the message control type you want to delete and select Delete Message Control Type.
  1. Click OK.

Modifying Workstations of Message Control Types

You can add workstations to the Regular Workstations or Standby Workstations group. By default, messages are automatically distributed to all workstations. This ensures that no message is lost in the event that no workstation is assigned. All workstations which are not listed under the Regular Workstations group are standby workstations. Both, Regular Workstations and Standby Workstations group can be empty, if you do not want to display messages of a special type. However, it is not recommended. Messages are still generated, but cannot be completed, because they are never displayed. In general, at least one or more regular workstations have to be configured. If no regular workstation is available, the standby workstation takes over full responsibility and displays messages. To not select a workstation, first add a workstation, confirm and then delete it.

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  • Workstations are created.
  • The message control type is created.
  1. Under System > Message Control > Message Control Types, expand the message control type that you have created. You have the following options:
  • To add regular workstations, right-click Regular Workstations group and select Modify Workstations in This Group.
  • To add standby workstations, right-click Standby Workstations group and select Modify Workstations in This Group.
  1. You have the following options:
  • Click Add and select the workstation you want to define as regular or standby workstation.
  • Click Remove, to delete the workstation from the list. You can add or delete several workstations by using multi-selection. If the last workstation is deleted either from the Regular Workstations or Standby Workstations group, right-click the appropriate group and select Distribute to All Workstations, otherwise the message of this control type is suppressed.
  1. Click Finish twice.
  • Workstations are added to the appropriate group.
  • Messages are distributed to the configured workstations.

Distributing Messages to All Workstations

You can define the way of distributing messages.

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  • Workstations are created.
  • The message control type is created.
  1. Under System > Message Control > Message Control Types, expand the message control type that you have created. You have the following options:
  • To distribute messages to all workstations available in Siveillance Control, right-click Regular Workstations group and select Distribute to All Workstations. This option provides an easy possibility to display messages on all available workstations without having to explicitly add them. This also automatically applies to new configured workstations. To only display messages on the currently known workstations, add workstations explicitly to the group.
  • To distribute messages to all remaining workstations, if no workstations in the Regular Workstations group are available, right-click Standby Workstations group and select Distribute to All Workstations.
  1. Click Yes, to confirm the removal of workstations from the group.
  • Messages are distributed to all workstations available in Siveillance Control.

Creating Color Settings

You can define different color settings for messages. These color settings can be chosen for a presentation type. With the presentation type, the color settings are applied to the messages that comply with the message control rule.

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  1. In the Administration tree, right-click System > Message Control > Color Settings and choose Create Color Setting.
  1. Enter a name of the color setting and click Finish.
  • The created color setting is selected in the Administration tree.
  • In the Object Properties view under Colors, the default color values for messages are displayed.
  1. You can define new colors:
  • Select an entry and click next to the color definition.
  • Select a color and click OK.
  • If the color setting is chosen in a presentation type that is selected in a message control rule, the color setting applies to all messages that comply with the message control rule.

Editing Color Settings

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  1. In the Administration tree underSystem > Message Control > Color Settings select a color setting.
  1. In the Object Properties view under Colors, adjust the colors:
  • Select an entry and click next to the color definition.
  • Select a color and click OK.

Deleting Color Settings

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  1. In the Administration tree underSystem > Message Control > Color Settings right-click the color setting.
  1. Choose Delete Color Setting and click OK.

Creating Presentation Types

With the presentation type you can customize the display of messages. All message control rules must have a presentation type.

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  1. In the Administration tree, right-click System > Message Control > Presentation Types > Create Presentation Type.
  1. Enter the following information:
  • Name: Enter a name of the presentation type.
  • Display on Standby Workstations after Seconds: With default value 0, messages are not displayed on standby workstations. Enter a number of seconds for a period. If a message is not opened during the period, the message is displayed on the standby workstations.
  • Display on All Workstations after Seconds: With default value 0, messages are not displayed on all workstations. Enter a number of seconds for a period. If a message is not opened during the period, the message is displayed on all workstations. Make sure that the period is longer than the period for display on standby workstations or keep the default value.
  • Display Obligation: Keep the default settings to display messages on the control panel display, if neither a regular nor a standby workstation is running. In this case, the subsystem is disconnected. The connection must be manually established after workstations are available again. Otherwise, unmark the check box. The subsystem is connected. Keep in mind that the use of the Display Obligation attribute only makes sense, if the subsystem is equipped with a control panel display.
  • Audio: Click next to the Audio field and select an audio file from the Choose Audio File dialog.
  • Reminder Time for Messages: Select a reminder time from the drop-down list. If a message is not opened during the period, a reminder sound is played.
  • Color Settings: If you want to apply a color setting for messages, click next to the Color Settings field and select a color setting.
  1. Click Finish.

Editing Presentation Types

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  • A presentation type is created.
  1. In the Administration tree, select Presentation Type > [Presentation Type].
  1. In the Object Properties view, enter your changes.

Deleting Presentation Types

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  • A presentation type is created.
  1. In the Administration tree, right-click the presentation type you want to delete and select Delete Presentation Type.
  1. Click OK.

Creating Message Control Rules

You can create message control rules by defining attributes. With the help of attributes, you can assign the message control type to a message. If no appropriate message control rule is configured for the message, the message is distributed to all workstations.

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  • At least one message control type and one presentation type are created.
  1. In the Administration tree, right-click System > Message Control > Message Control Rules and select Create Message Control Rule.
  1. Define attributes. All values except the value in the Name text field are optional. When defining values keep in mind that Siveillance Control passes successively through each attribute and applies the value that has been set. If no value is set, any value will match. For more information on how the matching message control rule is found, refer to: Understanding Message Control Rules.
  • Name: Enter a name of the message control rule.
  • Location: Select the location for which the message control rule is to be applied.
  • Discipline: Select the discipline for which the message control rule is to be applied.
  • Group ID: Enter the group ID of the detector for which the message control rule is to be applied.
  • Message Type: Select the message type for which the message control rule is to be applied.
  • Message Control Type: Select the message control type for which the message control rule is to be applied.
  • Presentation Type: Select the presentation type for messages that are distributed with the message control rule.
  1. Click Finish.

Editing Message Control Rules

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  • A message control rule is created.
  1. In the Administration tree, select Message Control Rules > [Message Control Rule].
  1. In the Object Properties view, enter your changes.

Deleting Message Control Rules

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  • A message control rule is created.
  1. In the Administration tree, right-click the message control rule you want to delete and select Delete Message Control Rule.
  1. Click OK.

Understanding Message Control Rules

When defining message control rules in Siveillance Control the value for an attribute or combination of attributes can be set. The following table shows the priority when setting attributes. The priority decreases from top to bottom. The more attributes are set, the more precise is the rule. The message control rule can be defined for each area in the Location Tree and is inherited along the tree structure. The matching rule is found as follows:

If the Location, Discipline, Group ID, Message Type attributes are set, the message detects a match and finds its message control rule. It is no longer used for other applicable message control types.

Creating Operation Modes

With the help of operation modes, you can define specific cases and change the behavior within a message control type. Depending on your intention, you can for example, define time-based (day, night or weekend), situation-based (maintenance or regular operation) operation modes or use a combination of them. The use of operation modes is optional. Once you have created an operation mode, it is recommended to create another one so that you can switch between operation modes. The default behavior of message control is applied by deactivating the operation mode.

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  1. In the Administration tree, right-click System > Message Control > Operation Modes and select Create Operation Mode.
  1. Enter the name of the operation mode and click Finish.
  • The operation mode is created.
  1. To better distinguish between operation modes, you can set a background color.
  • In the Object Properties view under General, select Background Color.
  • Click next to the color definition.
  • Select a color and click Finish.

For more information on how to switch between operation modes or to reset the current operation mode, refer to: Buttons in the Toolbar or Tools Menu.

Editing Operation Modes

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  • An operation mode is created.
  1. In the Administration tree, select Operation Modes > [Operation Mode].
  1. In the Object Properties view, enter your changes.

Deleting Operation Modes

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  • An operation mode is created.
  1. In the Administration tree, right-click the operation mode you want to delete and select Delete Operation Mode.
  1. Click OK.

Adding Operation Modes to Message Control Types

You can add operation modes to the message control types. By default, Siveillance Control distributes messages to the regular or standby workstations within the message control type, if no workstations are configured for the current operation mode.

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  • The message control type is created.
  1. In the Administration tree, right-click System > Message Control > Message Control Types > [Message Control Type] and select Add Operation Mode.
  1. Click Add and select the operation mode you want to apply to the message control type.
  1. Click Finish twice.
  • An operation mode is added to the message control type.
  • For the operation mode, the Regular Workstations and Standby Workstations group is automatically created.
  • The Regular and Standby Workstations group is first empty and does not contain any workstations.
  1. Add workstations to the appropriate group.
  • If the operation mode is set, workstations of the Regular Workstations group always display messages. Workstations of the Standby Workstations group only display messages, if no workstations are available in the Regular Workstations group.

Deleting Operation Modes from Message Control Types

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  • An operation mode is added to the message control type.
  1. In the Administration tree, right-click System > Message Control > Message Control Types > [Message Control Type] > [Operation Mode] and select Remove Operation Mode.
  1. Click Yes.

Modifying Workstations of Operation Modes

You can add workstations to the Regular Workstations or Standby Workstations group within the operation mode. By default, messages are automatically distributed to all workstations. This ensures that no message is lost in the event that no workstation is assigned. All workstations which are not listed under the Regular Workstations group are standby workstations. Both, Regular Workstations and Standby Workstations group can be empty, if you do not want to display messages of a special type. However, it is not recommended. Messages are still generated, but cannot be completed, because they are never displayed. In general, at least one or more regular workstations have to be configured. If no regular workstation is available, the standby workstation takes over full responsibility and displays messages. To not select a workstation, first add a workstation, confirm and then delete it.

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  • The workstation is created.
  • The message control type is created.
  • The operation mode is added.
  1. Under System > Message Control > Message Control Types > [Message Control Type], expand the operation mode that you have created. You have the following options:
  • To add regular workstations, right-click Regular Workstations and select Modify Workstations in This Group.
  • To add standby workstations, right-click Standby Workstations and select Modify Workstations in This Group.
  1. You have the following options:
  • Click Add and select the workstation you want to define as regular or standby workstation.
  • Click Remove, to delete the workstation from the list. You can add or delete several workstations by using multi-selection. If the last workstation is deleted either from the Regular Workstations or Standby Workstations group, right-click the appropriate group and select Distribute to All Workstations, otherwise the message of this control type is suppressed.
  1. Click Finish twice.

Modifying Presentation Types of Message Control Rules

By adding a presentation type, you can change the behavior of messages distributed by the message control rule.

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  • A message control rule is created.
  • A presentation type is created.
  • In the Administration tree, select System > Message Control > Message Control Rules > [Message Control Rule].
  1. In the Object Properties view, click Object Information > Presentation Type.
  1. Select the presentation type you want to add to the message control rule.
  1. Click Finish.