Configuration Overview

The configuration and data supply are done on the engineering client of Siveillance Control. The configuration can be used to adapt Siveillance Control to meet customer-specific requirements.




License Import

A license file import is required before activating configurations on the runtime clients.

License Import

User and Authorization Management

Users, user groups and workstations as well as their specific rights are managed. Initially, each user has unlimited rights, thus making it necessary to prohibit rights for certain user groups.

Creating and Importing Users and User Groups

Creating Authorization Rules

Disciplines Import and Adaptation

Disciplines are the requirement for assigning detector and object data and for the configuration of operation procedure steps and events.

Disciplines Import and Adaptation

Graphics Import and Editing

Several graphic files are imported that represent the geographical location of the customer facilities. Afterwards, calibration points are imported in the Location Tree to be able to calibrate the graphic. Calibrating adds a scale for the graphic and subsequently assigns GIS coordinates to the detectors and objects.

Importing Graphics

Calibrating Graphics

Configure the OIS Connection

A connection to the subsystem is established through OIS. In order to establish the bidirectional communication between the Siveillance Control server and OIS you need to set up an OIS connection in Siveillance Control.

Configuring OIS Connections

Detector and Object Data Configuration and Mapping

After the import and calibration of graphics, the detectors and objects of the subsystem are imported. If necessary, the detector data can also be edited. As a final step, the detector data imported from the subsystems are merged with the detectors positioned in the graphic.

Importing the Data Points File

Creating and Editing Detector Data

Mapping Detector Data

Messages, Events and Operation Procedure Steps

Messages, events and operation procedure steps have to be defined so that Siveillance Control can react accordingly to incoming messages and alarms.

Messages, Events and Operation Procedure Steps

Data Check and Activation

After completion of the configuration, you can check whether the configured options are correct and working appropriately.

Data Check and Validation

Print and Export

Siveillance Control offers the possibility to print and export data. For example, you can print alarms and events.

Print and Export

Calendar Management

Calendars can be defined to define specific times for scheduled events.

Calendar Management

Scheduled Events

Scheduled events are used to automatically process recurring events.

Scheduled Events

Access Route Plans for Fire Services

Access route plans are used in the event of fire. The fire services are directed from the fire alarm control panel or fire department command center to the detector group that triggered the alarm.

Access Route Plans for Fire Services

Client GUI Configuration

The Siveillance Control client can be adapted to the customer’s requirements and needs.

Client and GUI Configuration

After the configuration, the data has to be activated on the runtime server to be available to the operator.

Configuration Sequence

The configuration sequence overview is a basic configuration for the engineering client in order to be able to activate Siveillance Control for the first time. There are certain dependencies in terms of configuring data. It therefore makes sense to be guided by a defined sequence.

  1. Importing Default Data
  2. Disciplines Import and Adaptation
  3. Graphic Data
  4. Detector Data
  5. Processing Tasks
  6. Mapping Detector Data
  7. Creating Location Tree Nodes
  8. Adding and Editing Outlines
  9. Managing Graphic Sections and Graphic Sequences
  10. Activating Data