Notation of Instructions

Instructions are structured as individual action sequences. The following accentuation elements are used for the action sequences:

Accentuation Element





This symbol indicates the prerequisites for action sequences.

Action sequence

A single action sequence is marked with a bullet point.

Action sequences

Several action sequences are displayed as a numbered list.

Intermediate result

An intermediate result is displayed with an indented arrow.

Final result

The final result is displayed with an arrow that is aligned to the left.

Conventions for Control Elements

Rules are outlined in this document concerning notational conventions for control elements.

Control element



Menu names are displayed in bold type.

Example: System

Menu sequence

Menu sequences are displayed in bold type. The menu items are connected using the character >.

Example: System > Exit


Keys are displayed in bold type and within angle brackets. Example: <Enter>.

Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are displayed in bold type, within angle brackets, and with plus sign.

Example: <Ctrl>+<d>

Meaning:Press and hold down the <Ctrl> key and additionally press the <d> key.

Screen elements and terms

Screen elements such as buttons, tab names, drop-down menus, text field and check box names, and dialog box titles are displayed in bold type.

Example: OK, Cancel, Apply, Settings, Selection

Functions, event types, status and such are written in bold.

Open, Yes, FIRE, Edit and so on