Subtypes can be created manually as a group or an individual for an already existing object type. A subtype behaves like its superior object type and can be used in maps, access route plans and for defining workflow handling annotations and OPSs.
Creating Group of Subtypes
- The Administration perspective is displayed.
- Under System, right-click Subtypes and select New > Create Group of Subtypes.
- The Create Group of Subtypes dialog box opens.
- Enter a group name and click Finish.
- The group of subtypes is created.
Deleting Group of Subtypes
- The Administration perspective is displayed.
- To delete a group of subtypes, perform the following steps:
- Select System > Subtypes.
- Right-click a group of subtypes and select Delete Object(s) from Database.
- Click Yes.
- The group of subtypes and all the corresponding subtypes created under the group are deleted.
Creating Subtypes
- The Administration perspective is displayed.
- A group of subtypes has been created.
- Select System > Subtypes.
- Right-click the group of subtypes that you have created and select New > Create Subtype.
- Enter the following information:
- Subtype Name: Enter a name for the subtype.
- Derived from Object Type: Select a value from the Derived from Object Type drop-down list.
- Subtype Icon: Click , select an icon for the subtype from the Choose Icon dialog, and click Ok. This is an optional field.
- Click Finish.
- The individual subtype is created under the group.
Setting Subtypes Manually
Setting Subtypes for Single Objects
- Either the Location Tree, System Tree or Field Elements view is displayed.
- Select an object.
- In the Object Properties view, select the Subtype value from the drop-down list.
- Click Finish.
Setting Subtypes for Multiple Objects
- Either the Location Tree, System Tree or Field Elements view is displayed.
- Select an object, then press Ctrl and select multiple objects.
- Right-click and select Objects > Set Subtype.
- The Set Subtype in Hierarchy dialog box opens.
- Enter the following information:
- To Objects of This Type: This value defines the object type in the tree to which the operation is to be applied.
- To Objects of This Subtype: Click and select a subtype from the Select Subtype dialog.
- If Not Already Set: The operation is only performed if no value has been set yet for the subtype. If the check box is unmarked, any existing values are overwritten.
- Recursion Depth: This value indicates for how many nodes the operation is to be performed. If the value is less than 0, the operation is performed for all subordinate nodes.
- Click Finish.
Setting Visualization Variants for Subtypes
You can define visualization variants for an individual subtype.
- The Engineering perspective is displayed.
- Right-click a node in the Location Tree or System Tree or right-click an object from the Field Elements view and select Objects > Set Visualization Variant.
- Enter the following information:
- Set for All Objects of Type: Select an object.
- Set for Objects of Subtype (optionally): Select an optional subtype.
- New Visualization Variant: Select a visualization variant and symbol.
- Click Finish.
Deleting Subtypes
- The Administration perspective is displayed.
- To delete an individual subtype, perform the following steps:
- Select System > Subtypes > Group of subtypes.
- Right-click the subtype and select Delete Object(s) from Database.
- Click Yes.
- The selected subtype is deleted.
Editing Command Names for Subtypes
You can edit the name of a command if a detector is assigned with a subtype. Perform the following steps to edit the command names:
- Either the Engineering or Event/Messages or Annotation or Administration or OPS/Workflow Configuration perspective is displayed.
- You have the following options:
- In the Engineering perspective’s Location Tree or System Tree or Sum Detectors Tree or Objects view or Field Elements view, right-click the detector and select Perform Command > Edit Command Names for Subtypes.
- In the Annotation perspective’s Location Tree or System Tree or Objects view right-click the detector and select Perform Command > Edit Command Names for Subtypes.
- In the Administration perspective’s Objects view right-click the detector and select Perform Command > Edit Command Names for Subtypes.
- In the OPS/Workflow Configuration perspective’s Location Tree or Objects view, right-click the detector and select Perform Command > Edit Command Names for Subtypes.
- The Edit Command Names for Subtypes dialog displays two columns Default Command Names and Customized Command Names.
- Click the command that you want to edit in the Customized Command Names column and edit the name.
- Click Ok.