Subtypes can be created manually as a group or an individual for an already existing object type. A subtype behaves like its superior object type and can be used in maps, access route plans and for defining workflow handling annotations and OPSs.

Creating Group of Subtypes

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  1. Under System, right-click Subtypes and select New > Create Group of Subtypes.
  • The Create Group of Subtypes dialog box opens.
  1. Enter a group name and click Finish.
  • The group of subtypes is created.

Deleting Group of Subtypes

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  • To delete a group of subtypes, perform the following steps:
  • Select System > Subtypes.
  • Right-click a group of subtypes and select Delete Object(s) from Database.
  • Click Yes.
  • The group of subtypes and all the corresponding subtypes created under the group are deleted.

Creating Subtypes

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  • A group of subtypes has been created.
  1. Select System > Subtypes.
  1. Right-click the group of subtypes that you have created and select New > Create Subtype.
  1. Enter the following information:
  • Subtype Name: Enter a name for the subtype.
  • Derived from Object Type: Select a value from the Derived from Object Type drop-down list.
  • Subtype Icon: Click , select an icon for the subtype from the Choose Icon dialog, and click Ok. This is an optional field.
  1. Click Finish.
  • The individual subtype is created under the group.

Setting Subtypes Manually

Setting Subtypes for Single Objects

  • Either the Location Tree, System Tree or Field Elements view is displayed.
  1. Select an object.
  1. In the Object Properties view, select the Subtype value from the drop-down list.
  1. Click Finish.


Setting Subtypes for Multiple Objects

  • Either the Location Tree, System Tree or Field Elements view is displayed.
  1. Select an object, then press Ctrl and select multiple objects.
  1. Right-click and select Objects > Set Subtype.
  • The Set Subtype in Hierarchy dialog box opens.
  1. Enter the following information:
  • To Objects of This Type: This value defines the object type in the tree to which the operation is to be applied.
  • To Objects of This Subtype: Click and select a subtype from the Select Subtype dialog.
  • If Not Already Set: The operation is only performed if no value has been set yet for the subtype. If the check box is unmarked, any existing values are overwritten.
  • Recursion Depth: This value indicates for how many nodes the operation is to be performed. If the value is less than 0, the operation is performed for all subordinate nodes.
  1. Click Finish.

Setting Visualization Variants for Subtypes

You can define visualization variants for an individual subtype.

  • The Engineering perspective is displayed.
  1. Right-click a node in the Location Tree or System Tree or right-click an object from the Field Elements view and select Objects > Set Visualization Variant.
  1. Enter the following information:
  • Set for All Objects of Type: Select an object.
  • Set for Objects of Subtype (optionally): Select an optional subtype.
  • New Visualization Variant: Select a visualization variant and symbol.
  1. Click Finish.

Deleting Subtypes

  • The Administration perspective is displayed.
  • To delete an individual subtype, perform the following steps:
  • Select System > Subtypes > Group of subtypes.
  • Right-click the subtype and select Delete Object(s) from Database.
  • Click Yes.
  • The selected subtype is deleted.

Editing Command Names for Subtypes

You can edit the name of a command if a detector is assigned with a subtype. Perform the following steps to edit the command names:

  • Either the Engineering or Event/Messages or Annotation or Administration or OPS/Workflow Configuration perspective is displayed.
  1. You have the following options:
  • In the Engineering perspective’s Location Tree or System Tree or Sum Detectors Tree or Objects view or Field Elements view, right-click the detector and select Perform Command > Edit Command Names for Subtypes.
  • In the Annotation perspective’s Location Tree or System Tree or Objects view right-click the detector and select Perform Command > Edit Command Names for Subtypes.
  • In the Administration perspective’s Objects view right-click the detector and select Perform Command > Edit Command Names for Subtypes.
  • In the OPS/Workflow Configuration perspective’s Location Tree or Objects view, right-click the detector and select Perform Command > Edit Command Names for Subtypes.
  • The Edit Command Names for Subtypes dialog displays two columns Default Command Names and Customized Command Names.
  1. Click the command that you want to edit in the Customized Command Names column and edit the name.
  1. Click Ok.