You can delete completed messages or events that are no longer required from the database to increase transparency in the Events/Messages perspective. In the long term, this enhances the performance of Siveillance Control due to smaller database sizes. Before deleting the messages or events, you can export them to a CSV file for documentation purposes.

Deleting Completed Messages and Events Manually

  • The Events/Messages perspective is displayed.
  • The function has been performed in the quietest possible operating phase with few incoming messages.
  1. In the Message List view, click  Open view menu.
  1. Select Remove all closed messages and related event.
  1. Click Yes.
  • The 5,000 oldest completed messages and completed events are deleted.
  • The completed messages and the completed events are definitively deleted from the database. With events, all corresponding data such as commands performed is also deleted.
  • After the function is performed, a corresponding entry appears in the Operator Log, stating that the objects have been deleted. The original Operator Log entries are retained.
  • After deleting the messages or events, the counters automatically update. The deletion operation appears in the info line as a new entry.
  • Completed messages saved under non-completed events are not deleted.
  1. If more than 5,000 messages exist, repeat the previous steps.

Deleting Completed Messages and Events Using Timers

You can set a timer for repeatedly deleting completed messages and events. The oldest message will be deleted first.

  1. The Administration perspective is displayed.
  1. Select System Engineering.
  1. Select Timer > Delete closed messages and events.
  1. In the Object Properties, you can edit the following attributes under Misc:
  • Action: The Delete closed messages and events option is set by default.
  • Action Parameters: You can enable the function by changing the string to disabled = false. You can also change the maximum number of entries in the Message List view by setting the entries_to_keep value to the required number, for example disabled=false&entries_to_keep =1000000.
  • Cycle duration (ms): Define the time interval between two delete operations. By default, the time interval is set to 8,6400,000 ms, which means that the function will be performed once a day.
  • Cycle iterations: To perform the action repeatedly, keep the default setting -1. To deactivate the timer, enter 0.
  • Start Time: You can enter a start time for deleting completed messages and events.