Sum detectors are used to show the most critical status of all assigned detectors or detector groups. Sum detectors can be flexibly configured with regard to assigning underlying detectors. Sum detectors can be placed on graphics, so that the status of the system can be shown even though the single detectors are not visible.
Sum Detector Status
Sum detectors can show the following status:
- Quiet
- Alarm
- Pre-alarm
- Sabotage
- Fault
- Message
- Armed
- Disarmed
- Switched off
- Revision
Sum Detector Types
- Sum detectors with directly assigned detectors, detector groups or other sum detectors. This type has a priority. Any criteria that have been defined are not considered.
- Sum detectors with sum criteria. Detectors are logically assigned through common matching criteria. For more information on sum criteria refer to: Defining Sum Criteria.
Creating Sum Detectors
You can create sum detectors. Sum detectors can contain other sum detectors.
- The Engineering perspective is displayed.
- In the Sum Detectors Tree, a sum detector node is available.
- In the Sum Detectors Tree, right-click a sum detector container and select New > Sum Detector.
- Enter the following information:
- Instance Name: Enter the name of the sum detector.
- Comment: Enter a comment if necessary.
- Discipline: Click and select a discipline if necessary.
- Click Next.
- To display the first object with a number, mark the Number on First Object check box. Otherwise, it will not be numbered.
- To enter your own name pattern, change the default name in the Multiple Name Pattern field.
- Click Finish.
Assigning Detectors or Detector Groups
Zones are not supported.
- The Engineering perspective is displayed.
- Either in the graphic or Sum Detectors Tree select individual detectors or detector groups.
- You have the following options to add detectors or detector groups:
- Select the required detectors or detector groups and drag them to the sum detector.
- Right-click the sum detector and select Add Detector(s).
- Click on Add and select the required detectors from the list.
- Click Finish twice.
- To add detectors as children to a sum detector, complete the following steps:
- Select the required detectors or detector groups in a tree or the Graphics view.
- Right-click and select Add as Children to Sum Detector.
- Click besides the Sum Detector field and select the required sum detector from the list.
- Click Finish twice.
Deleting Detector or Detector Groups Assignments
- The Engineering perspective is displayed.
- In the Sum Detectors Tree select the sum detector.
- Select one or more assigned detectors or detector groups.
- Right-click and select Delete Object(s) from Database.
Defining Sum Criteria
You can define any combination of criteria. If you do not define any criteria, the sum detector matches everything. The more criteria are defined, the more specific is the sum detector. You can enter some criteria as free text.
- The Engineering perspective is displayed.
- In the Sum Detectors Tree, select a sum detector which does not contain any children.
- In the Object Properties list you can edit the following criteria:
- Actualization Key: Enter a unique string.
- Detection Location: Select an area.
- Discipline: Select a discipline.
- Exact Criteria Match: To consider detectors which match all criteria that are set in the sum detector, select true. This is the default value. To consider detectors that match at least one criterion, select false.
- External ID (Wildcard possible): Enter an external ID of the TBS object. It can include any characters and wildcards characters. Keep in mind that different subsystems may generate the same external ID. Therefore, you need to provide additional information, for example external source, detection location or group ID. For more information on wildcard pattern matchings, refer to: Understanding Wildcards Pattern Matching.
- External Source: Enter an external source of the TBS object.
- Group ID: Enter a unique string.
Subsystem Messages with Unknown Data Points
If a message comes in from OIS referring to a data point with an external ID and this external ID is unknown in Siveillance Control, the Unknown Data Point message is displayed. The corresponding data point needs to be imported from OIS in order to be used within a valid message. A new approach by using sum detectors with the External ID (Wildcard possible) parameter offers the possibility to verify if any sum detector would match the unknown external ID. In this way, the engineering effort can be reduced, because there is no need to import all data points from OIS to Siveillance Control.
OIS sends a message for the 01/11 0555 01 data point. In Siveillance Control there is no data point with exactly this external ID and no reference to the OIS component which has sent the message. However, there is a sum detector for which the External ID (Wildcard possible) parameter is set to 01/11.* and it references to the correct OIS component. Instead of an unknown data point message, a valid message for the 01/11 555 01 data point is displayed in Siveillance Control. The sum detector's discipline and its location from the Location Tree are displayed in the message, provided that the sum detector’s area and discipline have been already defined.
Understanding Wildcards Pattern Matching
Patterns may use the following wildcard characters:
- .(dot) matches exact one single character.
- .* matches any number of characters.
Enter .* in the External ID (Wildcard possible) field to get a match with any external ID. Alternatively you can leave the field empty.
Enter Fire Detector.* in the External ID (Wildcard possible) field to get a match with any external ID which starts with Fire Detector. The result could be for example Fire Detector 1234 or Fire Detector.
Enter Fire Detector 123. in the External ID (Wildcard possible) field to get a match with any external ID which starts with Fire Detector 123 and has one additional character at the end. The result could be for example Fire Detector 1234 but not Fire Detector 123.
Deleting Sum Criteria
- The Engineering perspective is displayed.
- In the Sum Detectors Tree, select a sum detector.
- In the Object Properties list, right-click a criterion and select Restore Default Value.
Adding Sum Criteria to Detectors
All detectors that shall be considered by a sum detector with sum criteria must match the criteria values. You can take over the sum criteria to detectors. Keep in mind that you cannot take over the External ID (Wildcard possible) and External Source criteria.
- The Engineering perspective is displayed.
- In the Objects list or in a Graphics view right-click the required detectors or detector groups and select Apply Sum Detector Criteria.
- Select the sum detector and click Finish.
Adding Sum Detectors to Graphics
- The Engineering perspective is displayed.
- Open a graphic.
- In the Sum Detectors Tree, select a sum detector and drag it to the graphic.
Visibility of Sum Detectors
Sum detectors are visible in graphics sequences for messages or events, whenever one of the detectors is visible whose status is evaluated for the sum detector status. For object visibility settings refer to: Configuring the Events/Messages Perspective.
Whenever a message or event is displayed in the Rate Message window, and the related detector is evaluated for the sum detector, the sum detector symbol is blinking, and an overlay of the sum detector is displayed in the Graphics view.