This section contains information about the list of signals (messages and alarms).

OIS SIPORT Access Controller Messages


Siveillance Control Message


Message Text



Fault Device not operational

Access device offline

This message is generated when the access device or controller is offline.


Fault Device not operational

(grayed out)

Access device online again

This message is generated when the access device or controller is online again.

In Siveillance Control, the existing Fault Device not operational message is grayed out.


Tamper Device

Access device tamper

This message is generated when the access device or controller is tampered.


Tamper Device

(grayed out)

Access device tamper ok

This message is generated when the device tamper is cleared.

In Siveillance Control, the existing Tamper Device message is grayed out.


Fault Main Power

Access device power failure

This message is generated when no power in the access controller is available.


Fault Main Power

Access device power failure ok again

This message is generated when the power resumes in the access controller.


Fault Battery

Access device battery empty

This message is generated when no battery in the access controller is available.


Fault Battery

Access device battery failure

This message is generated when a fault in the access controller battery occurs.


Fault Battery

Access device battery failure ok

This message is generated when the fault is cleared in the access controller battery.

OIS SIPORT Device Messages


Siveillance Control Message


Message Text



Fault General Device

Device offline

This message is generated when the device is offline.


Fault General Device (grayed out)

Device online again

This message is generated when the device is online again.

In Siveillance Control, the existing Device Offline message is grayed out.


Tamper General Device

Device tamper

This message is generated when the device is tampered and generates a Sabotage Alarm.


Tamper General Device (grayed out)

Device tamper ok

This message is generated when the device tamper is cleared.

In Siveillance Control, the existing Tamper Device message is grayed out.


Fault General Device

Device offline

This message is generated when the device is offline.

OIS SIPORT Door Messages


Siveillance Control Message


Message Text



Alarm Door opened too long

Door opened too long

This message is generated when the door opened exceeds the maximum time.

Fault Door fault

Door fault - Door opened too long

This fault message is generated as a submessage for the Alarm Door opened too long message, when the door is opened for a long time.


Alarm Door forced

Door forced

This message is generated when the door is opened in an unauthorized way or forcibly.

Fault Door fault

Door fault – Door forced

This fault message is generated as a submessage for the Alarm Door forced message, when the door is forced.


Alarm Door forced
(grayed out)

Alarm Door opened too long

(grayed out)


This message is generated when the door is in a normal (closed) state.

In Siveillance Control, the existing Alarm/Fault door messages are grayed out.



This message is generated when the reader is in Sabotage Alarm state.



This message is generated when the Sabotage Alarm state is cleared.


Message Door

Door locked

This message is generated from the OIS interface when the door order Lock is performed.


Message Door

Door unlocked

This message is generated from the OIS interface when the door order Unlock is performed.


Message Door

Door secured

This message is generated from the OIS interface when Message Door secured is performed.

OIS SIPORT Reader Messages


Siveillance Control Message


Message Text


2, 122

Message Unknown token

[BadgeNumber]: ID card unknown


This message is generated when an unknown user of the SIPORT system tries to access the door.


Message token locked out

[BadgeNumber]: ID card has been blocked

This message is generated when the ID card is blocked, and the user displays a blocked card.


Message token locked out

[BadgeNumber]: ID Card obsolete

This message is generated when the ID card is obsolete.

6, 126

Message token not yet active

[BadgeNumber]: ID card not valid

This message is generated when the card is presented at the reader before its system start date has reached.

7, 127

Message token expired

[BadgeNumber]: ID card no longer valid

This message is generated when the user presents an expired card to the reader.


Message No access rights

[BadgeNumber]: Access not allowed

This message is generated when a user presents a card that does not have access rights.


Message Denied Other

[BadgeNumber]: Wrong access level

This message is generated when the cardholder attempts to re-enter an area before the specified re-entry time.

10, 130

Message Denied other

[BadgeNumber]: Wrong weekday

This message is generated when the cardholder attempts to re-enter an area before the specified day.

11, 131

Message Denied other

[BadgeNumber]: Wrong time

This message is generated when the cardholder attempts to re-enter an area before the specified time.

13, 133

Message Incorrect Authentication Factor

[BadgeNumber]: Wrong code input

This message is generated when the user enters an invalid PIN.

14, 134

Message Max. number of attempts violation

[BadgeNumber]: More than 2 times wrong Code

This message is generated when the user enters a wrong PIN or code in the reader after showing the card for more than 2 times.

15, 135

Alarm Duress

[BadgeNumber]: Emergency alarm

This message is generated when the door is opened with the Duress PIN.


Message Denied Passback

[BadgeNumber]: Anti passback alarm

This message is generated when the cardholder has failed to use the card when leaving an area with soft anti-passback and has tried to enter into the same area. Access is allowed to the cardholder.


Message Denied Passback

[BadgeNumber]: In/out Control

This message is generated when the In/out control message is generated in SIPORT.

17, 137

Message Denied Passback

[BadgeNumber]: Double access locking

This message is generated when the ID card is flashed for a second time in the Timed APB door.
Timed AntiPassback (APB) does not allow a user to enter the same door twice.

18, 138

Message Other

[BadgeNumber]: Not went through

This message is generated when the person has not passed through the door.

20, 140

Message No Accompaniment violation

[BadgeNumber]: Attend or missing

This message is generated when the attender is missing or does not show a card and tries to pass through the door.

536, 656

Message token locked out

[BadgeNumber]: Revoked

This message is generated when the ID card is cancelled or blocked.

537, 657

Message token locked out

[BadgeNumber]: Inactive

This message is generated when the ID card becomes inactive.

538, 658

Message token locked out

[BadgeNumber]: Suspended

This message is generated when the ID card is suspended.

539, 659

Message token locked out

[BadgeNumber]: Lost/Stolen

This message is generated when the ID card is lost.

540, 660

Message token locked out

[BadgeNumber]: Disabled

This message is generated when the ID card is disabled.

541, 661

Message token locked out

[BadgeNumber]: OOK

This message is generated when the ID card is blocked.

542, 662

Message token locked out

[BadgeNumber]: ID card blocked (reason 7)

This message is generated when the ID card is blocked.

543, 663

Message token locked out

[BadgeNumber]: ID card blocked (reason 8)

This message is generated when the ID card is blocked.

22, 142

Message Denied other

[BadgeNumber]: Badge rejected by cardreader

This message is generated when the ID card is rejected.

24, 144

Message Denied other

[BadgeNumber]: No access by shiftplan

This message is generated when the ID card is displayed after or before the scheduled shift time.


Message Authentication factor error

[BadgeNumber]: Error PIN check chip card

This message is generated when the PIN number is not correct.

28, 148

Message Denied other

[BadgeNumber]: Person rejected by Guard

This message is generated when the ID card is rejected by the security guard.

32, 152

Message Out of time range

[BadgeNumber]: Outside time window

This message is generated when the ID card is displayed outside the time window.

9, 129

Message Denied other

[BadgeNumber]: wrong access level

This message is generated when the cardholder attempts to re-enter an area before the specified re-entry time.


Fault Reader

Device offline


This message is generated when the reader goes to offline state.


Fault Reader offline ok

Device offline ok

This message is generated when the reader is enabled to communicate again.


Message No access rights

[BadgeNumber]: Access not allowed

This message is generated when a user presents a card that does not have access rights.


Message No access rights

[BadgeNumber]: Person has not passed through

This message is generated when the person has not passed through.


Alarm Duress



This message is generated when the door is opened with the Duress PIN.


Message Denied other

[BadgeNumber]: Version number Incorrect

This message is generated when the version number is incorrect. The version number is a check criterion of the system for the validity of the flashed card.


Message Denied other

[BadgeNumber]: Version number wrong

This message is generated when the version number is incorrect. The version number is a check criterion of the system for the validity of the flashed card.


Message Pin Timeout

[BadgeNumber]: PIN timeout

This message is generated when a person does not enter the PIN after flashing the card.


Tamper Reader

Device tamper


This message is generated when the reader is tampered and generates a Sabotage Alarm.


Tamper Reader ok
(grayed out)

Device tamper ok

This message is generated when the reader tamper is cleared.




This message is generated when a blocked card is flashed at e-lock reader.

613, 2750



This message is generated when the charge in the elock battery is weak or too low.




This message is generated when the elock battery is nearly empty.

OIS SIPORT Routine Messages


Siveillance Control Message


Message Text



Message Program started

Program started

This message is generated when a routine is activated. The Routine Point Attribute $$ value is set to 1.


Message Program stopped

Program stopped

This message is generated when a routine is deactivated. The Routine Point Attribute $$ value is set to 0.


If the cardholderinforequired attribute is set to 1 in the SIPORT Cu-Handler unit configuration, the cardholder details are notified in Siveillance Control for the Message Denied/Duress messages except for the MessageUnknown token and Message Denied other (Misread) messages.

OIS SIPORT Input Signals


Siveillance Control Message


Message Text



Alarm Input alarm

Input alarm

This message is generated when an input point enters into an alarm state.


Alarm Input normal

(grayed out)

Input normal

This message is generated when an input point is restored to normal state.

Existing Alarm/Fault Input messages are grayed out in Siveillance Control.


Fault Input Fault

Input fault

This message is generated when an input point enters into a Fault Open (Cable break) state.


Message Input enabled

Input enabled

This message is generated by SIPORT when the Switch on command is performed from Siveillance Control.


Message Input enabled
(grayed out)


Input disabled

This message is generated by SIPORT when the Switch off command is performed from Siveillance Control.

OIS SIPORT Output Signals


Siveillance Control Message


Message Text



Message Output active

Output active

This message is generated when an output is active (output point change of state value is set to 1).


Message Output active
(grayed out)

Output inactive

This message is generated when an output is inactive (output point change of state value is set to 0).


Message runtime limit reached

Runtime limit reached

This message is generated when the Run Time (output active) attribute value reaches the set value of the run limit.


Message counter limit reached at

Counter limit reached at

This message is generated when the number of changes (NC) value reaches the set value in the number of changes limit (NL).