In special cases you can perform additional tasks. None of these tasks are mandatory.

Backing Up the Site

You can back up sites to avoid data loss. However, this is only advisable when you plan to restore the site on the same machine using the same OIS. Otherwise, the configuration effort exceeds the effort needed for starting the configuration from scratch.

  • A site has been created and configured.
  1. In the navigation pane, select the site that you have created.
  1. Select Download to save the site configuration.
  • The file is saved in the Sitename.tgz format.
  1. Copy this file to a data medium.
  • The backup is ended.

Restoring the Site

Instead of creating a new site, you can upload an existing site. This only makes sense if you upload the configuration on the same machine with the same OIS.

  • The same OIS Tools version as used during the site backup has been installed.
  • A site backup has been done.
  1. Copy the saved Sitename.tgz file from a console to the OIS computer. The most appropriate target directory is /home/ois.
  1. Change to OIS Tools.
  1. Select the Configure tab.
  1. Click Create from file and follow the instructions on the screen.
  1. Check the uploaded data and files (*.xml configuration data) to make sure they are complete.

Deleting Gateway Configurations

You can delete the gateway configuration in both OIS Tools and the corresponding runtime folder.

  1. In the navigation pane, select the site and afterwards the gateway that you have created.
  1. Click Delete.
  1. Keep the default settings to remove the runtime configuration. Otherwise, unmark the Remove runtime configuration as well check box, if the runtime folder is to be maintained or is no longer available (for example because the computer is no longer in use).
  1. Click Yes.

Printing Gateway Configurations

You can print the gateway configuration including current values and changes.

  1. You have the following options to print a gateway configuration:
  • Open the site and afterwards the gateway that you have created and click  Print gateway.
  • Enter the following address in the browser:
    https://[host]/#/print/[site name]/[gateway name]
  • An overview of the gateway configuration appears. The overview displays the following values:
  • Current (runtime) value: Value of the configured attribute or element. This value can differ from the uploaded value.
  • Changes (not yet uploaded): Value of the attribute or element since the last time it was uploaded. This value can differ from the configured value if the changes have not yet been uploaded.
  1. Select the print option of your browser and print the overview.

Deleting Log Files

Log files for each gateway are stored in OIS Tools. You can delete any log file.

  • OIS Tools has been started.
  1. Select the Logs Tab.
  1. In the navigation pane, select the log file that you want to delete.
  1. Click Delete file and confirm by entering Yes.
  • A message confirming the successful deletion appears.