In cases where OIS and Siveillance Control are running on different computers, you have to configure the external access to enable Siveillance Control to access OIS. The required import files are transferred directly from the working computer to the OIS server for this purpose. A certificate is required on one hand and access from the OIS server needs to be authorized on the other hand in order to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the OIS server via the web application.
Creating Certificates
You can create certificates if a certificate cannot be downloaded or if several OIS are used. In the latter case, the certificate is used for differentiating between the individual installations and sites.
- OIS Tools has been configured.
- Firefox has been installed as browser.
- Open Firefox on a Windows PC.
- Enter the following link in the address bar in the format:
https://[hostname ois server]/certs/client.p12?CN=[]&password=[pwd]
- In the Your connection is not secure message window click Advanced to extend the view.
- Click Add Exception.
- Click Confirm Security Exception.
- Select Save file and click OK to download the client.p12 certificate.
The following steps can vary depending on your browser and browser version. The following description is created using the Firefox version 68.10.0 for Windows 10.
- In the browser toolbar, click
Open menu.
- Select Options > Privacy & Security > Certificates > View Certificate > Your Certificates.
- Click Import.
- Select the client.p12 certificate and click Open.
- Enter a password and click OK twice.
- To be able to load the certificate, restart the browser.
- The certificate is created.
Establishing and Authorizing Connections
- The certificate has been downloaded.
- Depending on the browser, it can be necessary to complete the following steps first:
- Open the browser.
- Enter the following link in the address bar:
- Select the certificate and click OK.
- An error message appears.
- Open OIS Tools on the OIS server.
- Open Settings > Certificates.
- Double-click the entry highlighted in red and marked with rejected.
- Click Authorize.
- Click OK.
- Click Close.
- The connection is established.
- The connection is ready to be started from the remote computer by performing the link.
- To start the connection from the remote computer, enter the following link again: