SiPass Cu-Handler Unit Attributes
The following attributes can be configured for the SiPass Cu-Handler unit:
- attribpath
- callpath
- cardholderinforequired
- certificatefilename
- eventname
- eventsbeforeupdate
- hubname
- import
- notifyallfieldpoints
- password
- proxycallpath
- proxyhostname
- proxyusername
- redirecttoserver
- sessionalivetime
- sipasshrapirestserviceurl
- sipassintegratedmanagementstationapiurl
- supervision
- supervision
Configuring SiPass Cu-Handler Unit Attributes
Attribute | Description | Default | Required |
cardholderinforequired | If the value is 1, then the cardholder information is sent to the management station. If the value is 0, information is not sent. | 0 | No |
certificatefilename | The certificate name of the SiPass integrated management station API. | sipasserver | Yes |
eventname | The method used in the SiPass integrated management station API for receiving events | acceptMessage | Yes |
eventsbeforeupdate | If the value is set to 1, events are received in the management station even before the synchronization of the subsystem status with the OIS data points is complete. | 1 | Yes |
customfieldname | Retrieves data from a custom field available in the SiPass subsystem. For example, to retrieve a custom field called Department Id or Name. enter the name of the custom field here. | None | No |
hubname | The hub name of the SiPass integrated management station API for receiving events | MessageHub | Yes |
notifyallfieldpoints |
| 2 | Yes |
password | The encrypted password value of the SiPass integrated management station API. | Encrypted password for the SiPass client | Yes |
sessionalivetime | The keep-alive polling time in seconds of the SiPass integrated management station API. | 90 | Yes |
sipasshrapirestserviceurl | To retrieve cardholder data from the HR API Rest Service. You can use the following URL to retrieve the cardholder data from the HR Rest API service:
| https://SiPass Server Hostname:xxxx/ HRAPIRest service
| No NOTE: If the cardholder value is 1, then this attribute is required |
sipassintegratedmanagementstationapiurl | To update the IP address and host name of SiPass integrated management station API in the OIS host file. For example: https://SiPass Server Hostname:8744/api/management/V1 where host name is the name of the SiPass integrated management station API | https://SiPass Server Hostname:xxxx/ api/management/V1
| Yes |
supervision | This attribute defines the time in seconds after which a ping is sent for connection monitoring. | 15 | No |
username | Username for the SiPass integrated management station API, which is identical with the user name for the SiPass client. This value must be changed if the user name for the SiPass client changes. | siemens | Yes |