This section describes the attributes required to configure an IC Transliner Cu-Handler unit. As a general rule, configuring the attribute is not necessary. Sometimes, the serial_port attribute also has to be configured. If an attribute has not been configured, the default value will apply.
IC Transliner Cu-Handler Unit Attributes
The following attributes can be configured for the IC Transliner Cu-Handler unit:
- baudrate
- callpath
- configfile
- current_user
- err_counter_max
- eventsbeforeupdate
- import
- notifyallfieldpoints
- proxycallpath
- proxyhostname
- proxyusername
- serial_port
- slow_down_ms
- supervision
- time_sync
- timeout_char_ms
- timeout_ms
- user_management_file
- vu_neighbours
Configuring IC Transliner Cu-Handler Attributes
Attribute | Description | Default | Required |
proxyhostname | Remote Cu proxy for proxy protocol port forwarding. [username]:[password]@[hostname]:[port]/[localport][:[remoteport] Example: kh1wm378@ |
| no |
configfile | Name of the TR Port export file exported from IC Transliner relative to the directory of the unit. | etc/import/*.xml | no |
vu_neighbours | List of the unit names of the OIS connections that are connected to the Cu-Handler. Multiple unit names are separated by comma. Example: Vu_1, Vu_2. | List of all configured OIS connections | no |
time_sync |
| False | no |
file_name_merge_dp_def | The file specified in the parameter file_name_merge_dp_def defines the application specific rules to merge the Transliner datapoints to Vu datapoints. The following files are available:
| merge_dp_def.csv | no |
Serial Interface Configuration Attributes
Attribute | Description | Default | Required |
serial_port | Port name of the serial interface The interfaces are as follows:
| /dev/ttyS0 | no |
baudrate | Baud rate of the serial interface | 9600 | no |
supervision | This is the interval in which the PLC checks whether the Cu-Handler is still running. In the event of an error, the Cu-Handler is restarted automatically (after 30 seconds by default). If the Cu-Handler detects a serial interface fault, the Cu-Handler is stopped immediately. Keeping the value at 30 seconds is recommended. | 30 | yes |
slow_down_ms | This attribute is for test purposes only. The attribute consists of the length of delay, in milliseconds, before information is sent over the serial interface. This significantly reduces the number of the IC Transliner system queries and, as a result, the number of serial interface traces. | 0 | no |
err_counter_max | This is the error counter value from which the serial interface is reported as faulty. In this case, all IC Transliner devices are reported as faulty. Following a successful transfer, the error counter is reset to 0. | 10 | no |
timeout_ms | Timeout, in milliseconds, when reading the first character of a response from the serial interface. The error counter is increased by 1 and the query is repeated if the first byte of a response is not received by the serial interface within this time. See also attribute err_counter_max. | 1500 | no |
timeout_char_ms | Timeout when reading subsequent characters after the first character has been read from the serial interface. The error counter is increased by 1 and the query is repeated if a subsequent byte of a response is not received from the serial interface within this time. See also attribute err_counter_max. | 800 | no |
Configuring the IC Transliner Devices
The IC Transliner device list is generated automatically based on the configuration file specified by the configfile attribute. Therefore, the IC Transliner substations do not require configuration.