The Cu-Handler unit ensures the communication between the subsystem and OIS. For some Cu-Handler units you have to configure a device, too.

The Cu-Handler has to be configured differently for each subsystem. Since not all configurations are mandatory, only the following subsystem Cu-Handlers always have to be configured:

D 100, FS20, IC Transliner, SIGMASYS, SIPORT, SiPass, SPC, Siveillance Intrusion and Desigo CC.

Before proceeding with subsystem specific settings, perform the following steps:

  1. In the navigation pane, select the site and afterwards the gateway that you have created.
  1. Select the automatically created unit.
  1. Enter the following information:
  • Name: Enter the name of the unit.
  • Unit Type Name: Enter the name of the unit type.
  • Remote: If the Cu-Handler is to be installed on a separate PC, enter the [IP address]:[port] of the target PC.

Configuring the D100 Cu-Handler Unit

After creating a gateway for D100, you can configure the automatically created VBF unit.

  1. In the navigation pane, select the site and afterwards the gateway that you have created.
  1. Select the VBF unit.
  1. Click Add and edit the following attributes if necessary:
  • port: If more than one serial interface is connected, enter the port number, for example /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyS1 for computer and /dev/ttyr00 or /dev/ttyr01 and so on for MOXA.
  • speed: Select the baud rate depending on the subsystem. The following values are acceptable: 4800 for D100 MAP and 19200, 38400 or 57600 for MAP P/SOC P.
  • station_type: Depending on the connected subsystem, keep enter D100.
  • subsysnr: If you connect multiple VBF, assign a number to the subsysnr attribute in ascending order starting with 1.
  1. Click Submit.
  1. To get an overview of all attributes available for the VBF Cu-Handler unit, refer to: Configuring VBF Cu-Handler Unit Attributes. If you want additional information regarding the configuration of D100 refer to: D100.
  1. Continue with the import of the subsystem data points file. For more information refer to: Importing the Subsystem Data Points File.

Configuring the FS20 Cu-Handler Unit and Time Server Device

After creating a gateway for FS20, you can configure the automatically created FS20 unit and the time server device.

  1. In the navigation pane, select the site and afterwards the gateway that you have created.
  1. Select the FS20 unit.
  1. Click Add and edit the following attributes:
  • my_device_instance: Enter the value configured in FS20 to enable the communication between FS20 and OIS. For more information, refer to: Configuring FS20 Integration.
  • bbmd_fd_conf: Do not change the attribute.
  • bbs_interface: If more than one LAN port is used, edit the attribute in the following format [nic]:[udp]. For example, enter ens160:47808. If there are several FS20 Cu-Handlers connected over the same network adapter, make sure that they use different ports. For example, enter ens160:47808, ens160:47809, ens160:47810.
  1. If SAFEDLINK or Backbone is available, configure a route in the /etc/network/interfaces file.
  1. Click Submit.
  1. To get an overview of all attributes available for the FS20 Cu-Handler unit, refer to: Configuring FS20 Cu-Handler Unit Attributes. If you want additional information regarding the configuration of FS20, refer to: FS20.
  1. Click Add device.
  1. Enter the control panel name of the time server and click Create. The device name is typically 1.
  1. Select the device that you have created.
  1. Click Add and edit the following attribute:
  • time_server: Enter true.
  1. Click OK.
  1. Click Submit.
  1. Continue with the import of the subsystem data points file. For more information refer to: Importing the Subsystem Data Points File.

Configuring the IC Transliner Cu-Handler Unit

After creating a gateway for IC Transliner, you can configure the automatically created TRANSLINER unit.

  1. In the navigation pane, select the site and afterwards the gateway that you have created.
  1. Select the TRANSLINER unit.
  1. Click Add and edit the following attributes:
  • serial_port: Enter /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyS1 for computer. Enter /dev/ttyr00 or /dev/ttyr01 and so on for MOXA.
  1. Click Submit.
  1. To get an overview of all attributes available for the IC Transliner Cu-Handler unit, refer to: Configuring IC Transliner Cu-Handler Unit Attributes. If you want additional information regarding the configuration of IC Transliner, refer to: IC Transliner.
  1. Continue with the import of the subsystem data points file. For more information refer to: Importing the Subsystem Data Points File.

Configuring the SIGMASYS Cu-Handler Unit

After creating a gateway for SIGMASYS, you can configure the automatically created VBF unit.

  1. In the navigation pane, select the site and afterwards the gateway that you have created.
  1. Select the VBF unit.
  1. Click Add and edit the following attributes if necessary:
  • port: If more than one serial interface is connected, enter the port number. For example, enter /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyS1 for computer and /dev/ttyr00 or /dev/ttyr01 and so on for MOXA.
  • speed: Select the baud rate depending on the subsystem. The following values are acceptable: 9600 for SIGMASYS SOC and 19200, 38400 or 57600 for MAP P/SOC P.
  • station_type: Keep SIGMASYS.
  • subsysnr: If you connect multiple VBF, assign a number to the subsysnr attribute in ascending order starting with 1.
  1. Click Submit.
  1. To get an overview of all attributes available for the VBF Cu-Handler unit, refer to: Configuring VBF Cu-Handler Unit Attributes. If you want additional information regarding the configuration of SIGMASYS, refer to: SIGMASYS.
  1. Continue with the import of the subsystem data points file. For more information refer to: Importing the Subsystem Data Points File.

Configuring the SIPORT Cu-Handler Unit

After creating a gateway for SIPORT, you can configure the automatically created SIPORT unit.

  • For secure communication between SIPORT subsystem and OIS SIPORT Cu-Handler the Cu-Handler is installed inside a virtual machine. The virtual machine is on the same machine where the SIPORT subsystem is installed.
  1. In the navigation pane, select the site and afterwards the gateway that you have created.
  1. Select the SIPORT unit.
  1. Click Add and edit the following attributes:
  • siport: Enter the SIPORT server IP and the UBI TCP port number in the format [IP address]:[TCP port].
  • ubi: Enter the UBI port as set in the number column in the SIPORT port definition.
  • language: To change the language for language-dependent elements, edit the language attribute. Language-dependent elements can be alarm messages coming from SIPORT.
  1. Click Submit.
  1. To get an overview of all attributes available for the SIPORT Cu-Handler unit, refer to: Configuring SIPORT Cu-Handler Unit Attributes. If you want additional information regarding the configuration of SIPORT refer to: SIPORT.
  1. Continue with the upload of the gateway configuration. For more information refer to: Uploading the Gateway Configuration.

Configuring the SiPass Cu-Handler Unit

After creating a gateway for SiPass, you can configure the automatically created SIPASS unit.

  • The following TCP-IP ports are opened: 8744 to communicate from SiPass Cu handler to SiPass Integrated Management Station API and 8745 to communicate from SiPass HRAPI to OIS SiPass Interface. These are default values that need to be changed.
  1. In the navigation pane, select the site and afterwards the gateway that you have created.
  1. Select the SIPASS unit.
  1. Click Add and edit the following attributes:
  • cardholderinforequired: To send cardholder data to Siveillance Control, enter 1 for the attribute.
  • notifyallfieldpoints: Enter 2 to forward events from unknown OIS data points and process orders relating to this data point.
  • sipasshrapirestserviceurl: Enter the IP address of the SiPass Integrated Management Station API to retrieve cardholder data from the HR API Rest Service. The hostname of the PC on which the SiPass Integrated Management Station API is running needs to be entered for the IP address of the SiPass HR API Rest Service URL, for example https://[hostname SiPass server]:8745/api/V1/hr.
  • sipassintegratedmanagementstationapiurl: Enter the hostname of the SiPass integrated management station API, for example https://[hostname SiPass server]:8744/api/management/V1.
  • password: Enter the password. The password is encrypted automatically.
  • username: Enter the SiPass username.
  1. Click Submit.
  1. To get an overview of all attributes available for the SiPass Cu-Handler unit, refer to: SiPass Cu-Handler Unit Attributes. If you want additional information regarding the configuration of SiPass refer to: SiPass.
  1. Continue with the import of the certificate file. For more information refer to: Importing the SiPass Certificates.

Configuring the SPC Cu-Handler Unit

After creating a gateway for SPC, you can configure the automatically created SPC unit.

  1. In the navigation pane, select the site and afterwards the gateway that you have created.
  1. Select the SPC unit.
  1. Click Add and edit the following attributes:
  • encryption_key: Enter the hexadecimal key used to encrypt the data. NOTICE! You can find the key in SPC controller under "Communications > FlexC > ATP Configuration - Advanced Settings" in field "Encryption key (64 hex digits)".
  • host: Enter the hostname of the OIS where the Cu-Handler is installed.
  • port: Enter the port number of the TCP port of the RCT (Receiving Center Transceiver). NOTICE! The port number of SPC and OIS must be equal. You will find the port number in SPC controller under "Communications > FlexC > ATP Configuration - FlexC RTC" in field "RCT TCP Port".
  • User: Enter the SPC username, that is created for connection to OIS.
  • append_description_to_dp_name: Configure data point names used as instance names in Siveillance Control. Enter 0 if you want that the data point name consists only of the detector address. Enter 1 if you want that the data point name consists of the detector address and the description. The default value is 1.
  • device_id_prefix: Enter a prefix if more than one device is configured within the Cu-Handler unit, since each device has to have a unique device_id_prefix. This prefix is added to all data point names of this device. The default value is 1-. You can also enter a name of the building to better distinguish between the data point names.
  • language: To change the language for language-dependent elements, edit the language attribute.
  1. Click Submit.
  1. Continue with the import of the subsystem data points file. For more information refer to: Importing the Subsystem Data Points File.

Configuring the Siveillance Intrusion (NOX) Cu-Handler Unit and Device

After creating a gateway for Siveillance Intrusion, you can configure the automatically created NOX unit and device. If several Siveillance Intrusion control panels are to be connected, add an additional device for each control panel.

  1. In the navigation pane, select the site and afterwards the gateway that you have created.
  1. Select the NOX unit.
  1. Select the NOX device.
  1. Click Add and edit the following attributes if necessary:
  • ignore_message_when_area_not_armed: Enter one or more area state values, separated by commas. If an area is in one of these states, then no messages regarding state changes of inputs in this area are sent, for example 1, 2 to suppress messages for areas in state 1 (=Unarmed) and 2 (=Unarmed, Exit). If the attribute does not exist, the input state change messages are sent in all area states.
  • ip: Enter the IP address of the NOX panel.
  • public_certificate: Enter the public lines from the SSH certificate from the NOX panel.
  • ssh_user: Enter the SSH username configured in the NOX panel.
  • device_id_prefix: Enter a prefix if more than one device is configured within the Cu-Handler unit, since each device has to have a unique device_id_prefix. This prefix is added to all data point names of this device.
  • port: Enter the port configured for SSH. The default value is 22.
  • ssh_call: Enter the call for the terminal window to the SSH connection.
  • ssh_path: Enter the absolute path to the SSH software on the Cu-Handler system. The default path is /usr/bin/ssh.
  • format_instance_name_as_gma: Enter 1 if you want to display the instance name of the data points in Siveillance Control which is similar to the data point names in GMA Manager. Enter 0 if you want to display the names of the data points. By default, the value is 0.
  1. Click Submit.
  1. If you connect multiple NOX control panels, add a device for each control panel by completing the following steps:
  • Select the NOX Cu-Handler unit.
  • Click Add device.
  • Enter a name and click Create.
  • Configure the device accordingly.
  1. Continue with the upload of the gateway configuration. For more information refer to: Uploading the Gateway Configuration.

Configuring the Desigo CC Cu-Handler Unit

After creating a gateway for Desigo CC, you can configure the automatically created DESIGOCC unit.

  1. In the navigation pane, select the site and afterwards the gateway that you have created.
  1. Click the DESIGOCC unit.
  1. Click Add and edit the following attributes:
  • desigoCCwebapi: Enter the Desigo CC webapi URL configured in the Deisgo CC subsytem to connect with the Desigo CC server. You can find the URL in the Desigo CC system management console under Websites > webapi. For example, https://INCHN41796WSPR:443/webapi.
  • granttype: Enter the grant type password that supports login flow to the Desigo CC server.
  • password: Enter the Desigo CC application login password.
  • serverheartbeatchecktime: This is the ping interval between Desigo CC and OIS. The default value is 90 seconds.
  • username: Enter the Desigo CC username.
  • parent_child_tree_structure_required: Enter 1 if you want to display the data points system tree structure in Siveillance Control similar to the parent child hierarchy displayed in Desigo CC, otherwise the data points system tree structure will be displayed as a flat structure without any parent child relationship. By default, the value is 0.
  1. Click Submit.
  1. To get an overview of all attributes available for the Desigo CC Cu-Handler unit, refer to: Desigo CC Cu-Handler Unit Attributes.
  1. Continue with the import of the certificate file. For more information refer to: Importing the Desigo CC Certificate.