If your DXR, RDS, RDY, or PXC device was configured in ABT Site with a template, you can choose corresponding templates in the template drop-down menu.
To use DXR, RDS, RDY, or PXC templates, use the drop-down menu and select the appropriate template.
NOTICE! DXR Applications that are not changed in ABTsite will be auto-assigned, while applications that are changed in ABT Site from their defaults will not be auto-assigned.NOTICE! DXR templates in the 14000 range modified in ABT Site will change to a template number starting with 15000. Each subsequent template in the 14000 range modified will change to a different number in the 15000 range, increasing by one with each modified template. For example, if you start with template 14070, it will change to 15000. Then when you modify template 14071, it will change to 15001, and so on.
NOTICE! For Global PXC templates, you should search by description rather than by identifying number.
Select the connector(s).
Hold down the CTRL button while selecting multiple connectors to change them to the same template type.
Hover over the arrow to Select Current Page, Invert Current Page, Select All, or Select None.
Select Create Database.
The database has been created. You can see the new equipment in the DB Builder. NOTICE! If you are creating a DXR, RDS or RDY template, continue to the next procedure.