Link to download pod: finAmChartsReactExt.pod

AM Charts Category

The finAmChartsReactExt pod adds the AM Charts Category to the Components menu.
Each chart holds a different number of points and different types of data.

  • Historical Data: his
  • Current Value: curVal.

Chart type


Historical Data/Current Value

Area Chart

up to 10 points

Shows his

Column Chart

up to 10 points

Shows his or curVal

Column Layered

must be 2 points

Shows his

Column Line

must be 2 points

Shows his

Column Stacked

up to 10 points

Shows his

Line Chart

up to 10 points

Shows his

Pie Chart

up to 10 points

Shows curVal


How to Use

Edit AM Chart
  1. In the Components pane, navigate to AM Charts Category.
  1. Drag and drop a component from AM Charts Category onto the Builder.
  1. Right click and select Edit AM Chart.
  • The dialog box displays, depending on the AM Chart you selected.
Area chart dialog box
  1. In the Charts tab, fill out the required fields.
  1. In the Points tab, fill out the required fields.
    Points shown in the drop-down are the virtual points on the page.
  1. If a point does not display as an option in the drop-down, drag and drop the point from the Equip pane onto the Builder.
  1. Click OK.