The Top Level Graphic tool allows you to create or edit a topLevelRecord, which determines what graphic/context will automatically load upon logging in.
If you have a graphic home path setup, it automatically overrides the Top Level Graphic.
How to Create your Top-Level Record
- Select
> System Integrator Apps > Graphics Builder
- In the slider menu, click Menu.
- In the Graphics Builder pane, click Top Level Graphic.
- In the slider menu, click Create.
- The Create Top Level Record dialog box displays.
- You can do the following in the Create Top Level Record dialog box:
- Select Graphic
Select the desired graphic from the drop-down menu.
- Target
Select the desired target from the drop-down menu.
- Click Apply.
Edit Top Level Graphic
If you want to change the Top Level Graphic, they can do so by using the Edit option on Top Level Graphic slider menu.
- Select
> System Integrator Apps > Graphics Builder
- In the slider menu, click Menu.
- In the Graphics Builder pane, click Top Level Graphic.
- In the slider menu, click Edit.
If you have a topLevel record and click Create instead of Edit, the tool automatically switches to Edit.
- The Edit Top Level Record dialog box displays.
- You can do the following in the Edit Top Level Record dialog box.
- Select Graphic
You can select a graphic from the drop-down.
- Target
This determines the context to load for the graphic.
Select a Target from the drop-down.
- Click Apply.
Checking Top Level Record
To check the Top Level record, navigate to the Folio app.
- Select
> Advanced Apps > Folio
- In the sider menu, click Launch.
- In the search bar, topLevel.
If no record displays, the Top Level record was not created.
- If the record does not exist, add the tag imageRef.
- The imageRef determines what imagine displays above the navigation menu for topLevel.