The Relationships tree allows you to view or create relationships between records. The relationships are established with tags that tie one property to another.

  • Expand the Relationships Tree drop-down.
Relationships Tree

Add Relationship

  1. Expand the RelationshipsTree drop-down.
  1. Click Add Relationship.
  • The Add Relationship dialog box displays with required fields.
  1. Click Add.
Add Relationship required fields



Relationship Name

Pick a name for the relationship

Reference Name

Name of the reference you want to look for.
For example, if you want all ahuRef's found on the VAVs, you would put ahuRef.

Reference Filter

This would be the tags of the records being referenced.
Using the example above, = referencing the AHU's so in this case, include equip and AHU tags since those are found on the AHU equips.

Children Filter

The tags of the equips that have a reference to the Reference Filter.
Continuing with the example above, include the equip and vav tags since those are the equips that have the ahuRef on them.


Find Unassigned Children

Unassigned children are unlinked points contained in a relationship.

  1. Expand the RelationshipsTree drop-down.
  1. Select a relationship.
  1. Click Discover.
  • The Discovered Unassigned children display.

Edit Relationship

  1. Expand the RelationshipsTree drop-down.
  1. Select the relationship to be edited.
  1. Click Edit Relationship.
  • The Edit Relationship dialog box displays with required fields.
  1. Enter the required fields, and then click Save.
Edit Relationship dialog box required fields



Relationship Name

Name of the relationship.

Name of Reference

Name of the reference.

Reference Filter

Identifies the type of reference tags to use

Children Filter

Identifies points affected by the reference tags