The Clones tree displays a filtered list of tags that were cloned to other records.
This is a display-only list.

Mass Edit Tags

Use the Mass Edit Tags to modify the tags for multiple records at one time.

  1. Select > System Integrator Apps > DB Builder.
System Integrator Apps > DB Builder
  1. Select a connector from the Connectors Tree.
  1. Click Clone.
  1. Navigate to the Clones Tree.
  1. Select a record.
    To select multiple records, select Ctrl and select the records.
  1. Click Mass Edit Tags.
  • The Mass Edit Tags dialog box displays with required fields.
  1. Click Next.
  • The Mass Edit Tags dialog box is updated.
  1. Click Apply.
Mass Edit Tags dialog box required fields




Is filled based on the selected records.
To modify the filter, type the filter names in the box, or select the Filter button to choose the filter names from a list.

Shared Tags

Is filled based on the selected records.
To modify the tags, select a tag or tags from the drop-down menu