Any Analog_Input, Analog_Output, Analog_Value, and Pulse_Converter object must include all of the properties defined in this section as well as the properties defined in the Intrinsic alarming section.

Property name


Low limit

Specifies the lower limit of the property's normal range.

High limit

Specifies the upper limit of the property's normal range.

Limit enable

Enables or disables the limits of an algorithm. Select True to enable the lower or upper limit. Select False to disable the lower or upper limit.

Hysteresis to normal

Specifies the deadband that is applied to the respective limit before a return to Normal event state is indicated.
NOTE: The object's present value must be less than the difference between the High limit value and deadband value or greater than the sum of the Low limit value and the deadband value before a return to the Normal event state occurs.