Any Binary_Input or Binary_Value object must include all of the properties defined in this section as well as the properties defined in the Intrinsic alarming section.

Property name


Alarm value

Specifies the value that causes a transition to an offnormal state. Select Active or Inactive.

If the property is Active, then the present-value Active is considered an offnormal state and Inactive is considered a normal state.

If the property is Inactive, then the present-value Inactive is considered an offnormal state and Active is considered a normal state

Any Binary_Output object must include all of the properties defined in this section as well as the properties defined in the Intrinsic alarming section.

Property name


Feedback name reference

References the object name of the desired feedback reference object. If this property is left blank, a default feedback value will be used.

Feedback reference

A read-only property that references the binary feedback object for a Binary_Output object instance.

If the Feedback-Name-Reference property is successfully resolved to an object with a binary present-value data type, it will be automatically populated. If the property is not successfully resolved to an object with a binary present-value data type, this property will be null.

Feedback value

A read-only property.

If the Feedback-Object-Reference property is not null, feedback-value will indicate the present-value of the referenced feedback object.

If the Feedback-Object-Reference property is null, this property shall be set to INACTIVE.