DXR2 heat pump applications can heat, cool, or dehumidify room air. The main outputs are analog or binary outputs to control the compressor, binary output to switch the reversing valve, optional output to activate hot gas reheater, and an optional binary output to enable the local source (e.g. water pump).
Outside temperature-dependent setpoint availability of the heat pump
Heat pump availability is based on the outside temperature to avoid problems with icing and refrigerant and be configured.
Description | Name | Default value |
Enable lockout heat pump at low outside air temperature 0:No | EnLockHpuTOaLo | 0:No |
Lockout heat pump at low outside air temperature | LockHpuTOaLo | 4 [°C] |
Outside air temperature hysteresis for lockout heat pump | HysTOaLockHpu | 1 [K] |
Availability heating
Heat pump availability for heating can be configured.
Description | Name | Default value |
Control mode manual 1:Automatic | CtlModMan | 1:Automatic |
Configuration: 1:Automatic or 2:Heating
For efficient heating, you can configure heating based on outside temperature as a supplement to availability.
Description | Name | Default value |
Enable lockout heating at low outside air temperature 0:No | EnLockHTOaLo | 0:No |
Lockout heating at low outside air temperature | LockHTOaLo | 4 [°C] |
Outside air temperature hysteresis for lock out heating | HysTOaLockH | 1 [K] |
Heating is unavailable if a dehumidification request is pending.
Availability cooling
Heat pump availability for cooling can be configured.
Description | Name | Default value |
Control mode manual 1:Automatic | CtlModMan | 1:Automatic |
Configuration: 1:Automatic or 3:Cooling
Cooling is unavailable if a dehumidification request is pending.
Availability dehumidification
Heat pump availability for dehumidification can be configured.
Description | Name | Default value |
Control mode manual 1:Automatic | CtlModMan | 1:Automatic |
Configuration: 1:Automatic or 3:Cooling
Heat pump state
Displays the actual operating state of heat pumps.
Description | Name | Default value |
Heat pump state 1: Off | HpuSta | - - - |
Configuration: 1:Automatic or 3:Cooling
Reversing valve mode
On heat pump versions with reversing valve, the position is based on configuration by heat pump operating type.
Description | Name | Default value |
Reversing valve activated by 0:Heating | RvrVlvActv | 1:Cooling |
The reversing valve is always inactive on device operating mode "Off".
Compressor state during changeover
On heat pump versions with reversing valve, the compressor state is based on configuration by heat pump operating type during changeover.
Description | Name | Default value |
Compressor state during switchover reversing valve 0:Off | CprStaRvrVlc | 0:Off |
Enable hot gas
The heat pump hot gas reheater is enabled for energy recovery on active dehumidification and simultaneous room heat demand.
Enable heat pump source
It is enabled after a demand request for heating/cooling/dehumidification based on a configured source availability and state monitoring.
Minimum switch on/off compressor time
Each compressor is switched on/off for a specific minimum on/off time.
Description | Name | Default value |
Minimum switch-on time for compressor | TiOnMinCpr | 3 min |
Minimum switch-off time for compressor | TiOffMinCpr | 3 min |
Fault inputs
Multiple, different binary heat pump safety switches (open contact) can be connected. The application switches off the heating pump at device protection priority if a safety switch is enabled.
Description | Name | Default value |
Enable fault input 0:No | EnFltIn | 0:No |
Locking is a binary signal to protect heat pump equipment. The application locks the heat pump if no air flow is available or enables if available.