Desigo room automation offers room users interaction with regard to energy management via an innovative operating and displaying concept. Pressing the Room Green Leaf symbol returns room control to energy-optimized operation without sacrificing on comfort.
The "Room Green Leaf" function calculates the room-wide impact of manual interventions on energy efficiency in the background. Here, all technical installations are considered, i.e. HVAC, lighting and blinds. Various inputs are used as the basis from the disciplines HVAC, lighting, and shading as well as general room conditions. The determined state "poor/excellent" is indicated by the Green Leaf symbol on the room operator unit with a change in color to the Green Leaf. Pressing the Green Leaf button on the room operator unit resets all manual interventions, runtimes, or setpoint changes, there are classified as not efficient. The plant then continues to operate in the automatic, energy-efficient operating mode via its control function.
The monitoring is referred to as the Green Leaf function or RoomOptiControl.