All explanations of volume flow control ignore air aftertreatment. In other words, the supply air sequences start directly at the room temperature setpoints and not only after air aftertreatment has reached maximum.
Temperature control
Temperature control works with the actual room temperature setpoints for the actual operating mode and calculates a set volume flow that moves between the minimum and maximum setpoints.
The minimum and maximum air flow from a fan-powered box can be individually configured.
Air quality control
The FBP application can be used for air quality control. The room must have an air quality sensor. The application automatically enables air quality control as soon as an air quality sensor is configured.
Air quality setpoints can be configured separately for each room operating mode.
Description | Name | Default value |
Room air quality setpoint for Comfort | SpAQualRCmf | 900 ppm |
Room air quality setpoint for Pre-Comfort | SpAQualRPcf | 1100 ppm |
Room air quality setpoint for Economy | SpAQualREco | 1500 ppm |
Room air quality setpoint for Protection | SpAQualRPrt | 1500 ppm |
The minimum and maximum air flow from a fan-powered box can be individually configured. Note however, that a fan-powered box of VAV and the fan supplies the room with air flow. So that both air flow specifications must be considered.
Description | Name | Default value |
Supply air VAV maximum air flow for ventilation | VavSuAflMaxVnt | 100 [m3/h] |
Supply air VAV minimum air flow for ventilation | VavSuAflMinVnt | 0 [m3/h] |
Maximum fan speed for ventilation | FanSpdMaxVnt | 100 [%] |
Minimum fan speed for ventilation | FanSpdMinVnt | 50 [%] |