You can create new templates for your personal use or share new templates with other users.

  • The dashboard is displayed.
  1. Click the Settings button.
  • The configuration mode is enabled.
  1. To create templates, you have the following options:
  • To create a template from scratch, click the Templates drop-down list and select the Empty tag.
  • To create a template with all widgets available by default, click the Templates drop-down list and select the Default tag.
  1. Specify the widgets to be displayed on the dashboard and their order. To create new widgets or delete the existing ones, refer to: Creating widgets or Deleting widgets.
  1. To save templates, you have the following options:
  • To save the configuration as your personal default configuration, click the Save drop-down list and select For myself only.
  • To save the template and share it with other users, click the Save drop-down list and select As template.
  1. Enter the name of the template and click Save.
  • The new template is displayed in the Templates drop-down list.