You can import log or audit trail files exported from the SiPass or SIPORT subsystem into Security Manager.
Make sure to not import audit trail files while a Sync Agent is connected.
For SiPass, the log files up to 10 MB are supported.
For SIPORT, the log files up to 30 MB are supported.
- For SiPass, log files are available in either XLSX or XLS format.
- For SiPass, the log file provides at least the following information: Date Occurred, Time Occurred, Location, Message, Card Number. Keep in mind the capitalization of the column name in the table's header (row 1). Also, make sure that the first column of the log file is empty.
- For SIPORT, the log files are available in HTML or HTM format.
- For SIPORT, the alarm log files need to contain the following information: Datum/Uhrzeit (tt.MM.jjjj HH:mm:ss) (Date/Time ( hh:mm:ss)), Datenpunktname (Gerätename) (Data Point Name (device name)), Alarmtext (Ereignistyp) (Alarm Message (event type)). Keep in mind that the Datenpunktname (Data Point Name) and Alarmtext (Alarm Message) columns cannot be empty. Additionally, a specific order of the columns is required to be followed. For example, the Datum/Uhrzeit (Date/Time) attribute is expected to appear in the first column, the Datenpunktname (Data Point Name) attribute in the fourth column, and the Alarmtext (Alarm Message) attribute in the fifth column.
- For SIPORT, the access log files need to contain the following information: Datum/Uhrzeit (tt.MM.jjjj HH:mm:ss) (Date/Time ( hh:mm:ss)), Ort (Gerätename) (Location (device name)), Ausweisnummer (Card ID). Keep in mind that the Ort (Location) and Ausweisnummer (Card ID) columns cannot be empty. Additionally, a specific order of the columns is required to be followed. For example, the Datum/Uhrzeit (Date/Time) attribute is expected to appear in the first column, the Ort (Location) attribute in the third column, and the Ausweisnummer (Card ID) attribute in the sixth column.
- In Monitoring, a dashboard is displayed.
- On the dashboard, select the appropriate partition. Keep in mind that the partition selection dropdown list only appears if more than one partition is available.
- Click the Import button.
- Click Browse and select the file. Keep in mind that you can upload several audit trail files at the same time.
- Click Open.
- Click Upload.
- If necessary, repeat the import for all audit trail files.
- The import process is completed.
- The name of the audit trail file, its size, its current status, and the timestamp it was uploaded are all displayed in a new entry.
- The import process validates audit trail files automatically and displays details of validation errors for files imported.
- A successful import is indicated by a green check mark icon, though events may have been skipped as a result of validation errors.
- A successful import is indicated by a yellow exclamation point icon, although at least one of the events has unknown errors.
- A failed import is indicated by a red cross icon if the file is empty, has already been imported, has the wrong file extension, or one of the required columns in the header is missing.