To search for activities of any employee and export your search results in PDF or Excel format, proceed as follows:

  • The AnalyticsForensic user role has been assigned to you under Access > Identities. Otherwise, contact your administrator to get it assigned to you.
  • The Activity report dashboard is displayed.

Keep in mind that every search request is logged under Operation > Activities.

  1. In the Identity tab, click Select identity.
  1. In the Search field, you have the following parameters to perform your search:
  • First name: Select the First name entry from the drop-down list and enter the employee's first name whose activities you are searching for.
  • Last name: Select the Last name entry from the drop-down list and enter the employee's last name whose activities you are searching for.
  • Email: Enter the employee's email address whose activities you are searching for.
  1. Select the employee from the list and confirm your selection.
  1. To customize your search results, you have the following options:
  • ID cards: If the employee has more than one company ID card, mark the company ID cards the search request to be performed for.
  • Start: Define the starting point of your search. Select a day, month and year. If a specific start time is not required, disable the toggle button. Even if the toggle button is disabled, filtering of search results begins at 12 AM (00:00) on the selected date. Otherwise, keep the default settings and specify the start time the search request is to be performed for.
  • End: Define the end point of your search. Select a day, month and year. If a specific end time is not required, disable the toggle button. Even if the toggle button is disabled, filtering of search results finishes at 11:59 PM (23:59) on the selected date. Otherwise, keep the default settings and specify the end time the search request is to be performed for.
  • Site: Select the employee's site. To display activities regardless of the employee's site, keep the default settings or select All sites from the Site drop-down list.
  1. Click Search and confirm your search request.
  • Your search request is logged under Operation > Activities.
  • An activity report is displayed. For more information on the data displayed in the activity report, refer to: Activity report.
  1. Click Export and select the format of the export file you want to create.
  • Your search results are exported as an activity report in PDF or Excel format.
  1. Click the downloaded file to display it.
  1. To perform a new search, click New search and Select identity. Repeat your search request.
  1. To refresh all search requests, reload the application by clicking F5.