To remove offline devices from the Excluded devices tab and display them on either the Currently offline or Battery charge tabs, proceed as follows:

  • The Maintenance dashboard is displayed.

Keep in mind that every configuration change is logged under Operation > Activities.

  1. On the dashboard, select the appropriate partition. Keep in mind that the partition selection dropdown list only appears if more than one partition is available.
  1. In the Excluded devices tab, click the Settings button.
  • The configuration mode is enabled.
  1. Mark the checkbox next to the devices whose data you want to display on the tab and click Include.
  • The devices disappear from the tab and are displayed on either the Currently offline or Battery charge tabs.
  1. To select or deselect all devices, mark the checkbox in the table header. To select several neighboring devices, click the first device, press and hold Shift and click the last device whose data you want to display on the tabs. Afterwards click Include.