The sections Built-in Schedules and Schedule Editor Views and Creating Additional Schedules cover configuration and use of schedules running in the N4 Appliance station. This approach works in all cases. However, many BACnet devices include BACnet Schedule Objects, allowing them to provide scheduling of local BACnet objects and in some cases remote BACnet objects. Local BACnet objects are defined as objects on the same device as the Schedule object. Remote BACnet objects are defined as objects in devices other than the device with Schedule object. The ability to schedule local objects is referred to as local scheduling. The ability to schedule remote objects is referred to as remote scheduling.

Scheduling Capabilities by Device.




Local Scheduling, Remote Scheduling


No scheduling


Local Scheduling

In Niagara system, it is possible to leave the scheduling capabilities of BACnet devices unused and to use Niagara station schedules exclusively. However, if use of BACnet schedules is required, it is possible to synchronize these BACnet schedules with station schedules, thereby allowing the N4 Appliance schedule editor views to edit the BACnet schedules. In addition, a single N4 station schedule may be synchronized with multiple BACnet schedules, thereby coordinating the operation of the linked BACnet schedules.

The BACnet Schedule Export Manager

BACnet schedule synchronization is configured using the BACnet Schedule Export Manager.

  1. Right-click a BACnet device with one or more schedule objects and then select Actions > Bacnet Schedule Export Manager.
  1. In the BACnet Discover Schedules pane, click Discover.
  • The Discovered pane is populated with the device’s BACnet Schedule objects.
  1. Do the following to use the weekly and exception schedules from an N4 station schedule to initialize the BACnet Schedule object:
  • Select a schedule object to synchronize and then click on the down arrow next to the Add button and select Niagara.
  • The Add dialog box is displayed.
  • In the Supervisor Ord field, select the station schedule that will be used as a master.
  1. Configure the following additional items in the Add dialog box:
  • Priority for Writing: Default: 16 (lower values indicate higher priority). Increase the scheduler priority so that scheduler commands are at a higher priority than control program commands.
  • Execution Time: Default: The schedule is sent to the panel every five minutes. Since schedules are edited infrequently, increase the Interval so that the schedule is sent less often.
  1. Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog box.