If you plan to customize the site, do this before the procedures Discovering Devices on the Network and Adding Controllers.

This section provides an example for creating a job-specific Site structure.

  • The example site is named MySite, and has three floors named Floor 1, Floor 2 and Floor 3.
  • This example assumes that area summary views (for example, Floor1Summary.px) are desired. If not, delete the summaryView slots from the EastWing and WestWing objects before proceeding.

① Renaming Default Objects and Views

This step renames the default objects and views to create a partial-site structure.

Renaming default objects and views.
  1. Navigate to Station > Siemens_Site and then expand Siemens_Site.
  1. Right-click on DemoSite, select Rename and then assign a new name.
  • MySite is used in this example.
  1. Expand the site you renamed.
  1. To rename the WestWing and EastWing Areas, right-clicking on each Area, select Rename and then assign a new name.
  • Floor1 and Floor2 are used in this example.
  1. Navigate to Files/px/Siemens_Site_Views and rename the existing Area Summary Views to match the new Area names.
  1. Do the following in the Summary View property to reference the new summary .px files:
  • Open the AX Property sheet for each area (Floor1 and Floor2 are used in this example).
  • Click on the folder icon and select Files on Station > Siemens_Site_Views.
  • Select the appropriate .px file. For example, Floor1Summary.px and Floor2Summary.px.
  • Select Open and then select Save in the Property Sheet window for each Area.

② Creating Additional Areas

This step adds another area for Floor3. The new area will have the same tags and relations as the existing areas.

  1. Right-click on one of the existing Area objects and select Copy.
  1. Right-click on the Site object and select Paste Special.
  1. Select the Keep all relations check box and then click OK.
  • The new Area is added but is not named correctly.
  1. Right-click on the new Area, select Rename and then assign a new name.
  • Floor3 is used in this example.
  1. Right-click on the new Area, select Set Display Name and then assign a new name.
  • Floor 3 is used in this example.
  1. If desired, do the following to create a new Floor 3 summary view:
  • In Files/px/Siemens_Site_Views, right-click on one of the existing Area Summary Views. For example, Floor2Summary.px.
  • Select Duplicate and name the new summary view. For example, Floor3Summary.px.
  • Right-click on the newly created Area in Config/Siemens_Site (for example, Config/Siemens_Site/My Site/Floor 3) and open its AX Property Sheet.
  • Set the Summary View property to reference the new summary .px file. For example, Floor3Summary.px.
    Click on the folder icon and select Files on Station > Siemens_Site_Views.
    Select the appropriate .px file. For example, Floor3Summary.px.
    Select Open and then select Save in the AX Property Sheet window for the Area.
  • The following figure shows the updated site structure.
Updated Site Structure.

(Optional) Adding Floorplan Views

The N4 Appliance does not provide default floorplan views, but it does provide a template to simplify the process of creating them. This step outlines how to create the views.

  1. In the Files/px/Siemens_Views folder, make three copies of _emptyView.px.
  1. Name the new files Floor1View, Floor2View and Floor 3View.
  1. Right-click on Config/Siemens_Site/My Site/Floor 1 and select Views/New View.
  1. Configure the New Px View as shown in the following figure. Select the new floorplan view that was created in the preceding step.
  1. Click OK, and then select Reuse on the File Already Exists dialog.
  1. Repeat this process for Floor 1 and Floor 2.
  1. Edit the newly created views to make job-specific floorplan views.
Completed Site Structure.

④ Checking the Site Structure

  1. In the Nav tree, right-click Hierarchy and select Refresh Tree Node.
  1. Expand the Site hierarchy.
  • The hierarchy should correspond to the contents of the Config/Siemens_Site folder. In the Site hierarchy, right-click each floor and check for a summary view and a floor view.
The Final Site Hierarchy.