To run the Siemens N4 appliance, you need to install the Siemens N4 Certificate Chain in Certificate Management via Platform and Tools.

Importing Siemens N4 Certificate Chain in Platform

Importing the Siemens N4 Certificate in the JACE platform is done during the first time the workbench is installed.

  • You have extracted the files from Siemens N4 Supervisor- 4.12/4.10U4.154.3 .
  1. In the Niagara workbench, go to Platform > Certificate Management > User Trust Store > Import.
  1. Navigate to the SiemensN4CeritificateChain.pem file.
  1. Click Open.
  1. Select all certificates.
  1. Click OK.
  1. Enter an alias for the certificate and click OK. Repeat this step for each certificate.
  • Your certificates are added to the User Trust Store via Platform.