The Siemens_OpMode_Schedule is a Niagara Enum schedule with the following key characteristics:


Key Characteristic


Range of values

Protect (1), Economy (2), PrComfrt (3), Comfort (4)

Default Value


Editor View




Scheduler View (scheduleEditView)

The scheduler view is a standard N4 Appliance view with an embedded Niagara schedule editor plugin component. Use of this component is described in the Schedule plugins/Scheduler section of the document Scheduling in Niagara Help.

Default Weekly Schedule

The default weekly schedule is Comfort from 8:00AM to 5:00PM Monday through Friday, and default (Economy) for other days and times. Schedules are edited using the scheduler view.

Default Special Event Days

Default special event days are defined in the Siemens_Holiday_Calendar. On these days, the schedule will output its default value (Economy) for the entire 24-hour period. The output value during special event days may be edited using the scheduler view.

Other Configuration Properties

Default Output
An editable value. Default: Economy.

Cleanup Expired Events
Leave at the default value unless there is a specific reason to change it. Default: True.

If set to False, one-time special events are kept in the station database after they have occurred, even though they will not occur again.

Defines the range of values for the schedule.

DO NOT CHANGE THIS SETTING! These values are defined in DXR devices. If changed at the station, schedules will not work properly.

Tagging and Auto-Linking to New DXR Devices

The default Siemens_OpMode_Schedule is preconfigured with the sie:opModeSchedule tag.

N4 Appliance device templates for DXR and RDY applications include an optional link to a station schedule. When using BacnetDeviceManager to install a DXR and RDY using a Siemens template, one of the dialogs allows the user to select an existing schedule for auto-linking to the device’s RM_OP_MODE point (Schedule_Mode for RDY devices). The user may select a schedule from the list of compatible schedules or leave the RM_OP_MODE point unlinked by deselecting all schedules.

Notice that in the Figure BacnetDeviceManager Schedule Linking Dialog (RM_OP_MODE), there is only one entry in the list of available schedules, even though there are two predefined schedules in the N4 Appliance station. This is due to the fact that DXR and RDY templates specify that only schedules with the sie:opModeSchedule tag should be shown in the selection dialog. Only schedules that are compatible with System ONE operating mode points should be given the sie:opModeSchedule tag.