The Charting View feature, in Operator View, allows you to quickly view real-time and historical values in a graphical stripchart format. It is generic, with a standard native Niagara dashboard using the chart control from the WebChart palette.

There is only one Chart View. To create additional Chart Views, for example for each device in the system, a dashboard view can be created and added to each device or to one or more device templates.

Opening the Charting View

  • The Siemens N4 Appliance station is open.
  • In the Nav pane, select and expand Hierarchy, Apps, Charting, and then Chart View.

Adding a History Extension to a Point

  1. Select a point that you want to add a history extension. Right click on that point and select View > AX Property Sheet.
  1. Click on Palette and find the history palette.
  1. Select the appropriate extension under the Extensions folder and drag it to the AX property sheet.
  1. Expand the history extension select Enabled: True.
  1. Make any other desired configuration changes.
  1. Click Save.

Viewing History Chart and History Table Views

The appliance has customer History Chart and Table views. They can be accessed from the Histories folder for any device in the Hierarchy. Points will only display in this folder if all of the following are true:

Once the points have a History Extension right click on them and select History Chart view or History Table view

Adding Real-Time Point Values without a History Extension

  • From the Hierarchy tree, select one or more points and then drag-and-drop onto the chart.
  • No historical point information displays; only the point name.

Adding Real-Time Point Values with a History Extension

  • From the Hierarchy tree, select one or more points and then drag-and-drop them onto the chart.
  • The history name displays, instead of the point name.

Use the same step to see native Niagara point history information.