A COBie file is created per building. If there is only one building in the project, then that building will be selected by default.

  • A COBie file populated with required data in correct format is available.
  1. Go to Assets > Import/Export.
  1. Select the Export tab.
  1. Select Lifecycle Twin from the External System ID list.
  1. In the Company section, select the options to filter the entries in the export file by contractor or designer.
  1. In the parameter section, select (red toggle is on) or unselect (toggle is disabled) the options provided.
  • Essential types only: Asset types marked as Essential are selected. See Editing a type.
  • Exported without attributes: All values are exported except the attributes.
  • Export attributes with empty values: Attributes with no values are selected. This option allows one to add the values in COBie after export and re-import.

You can choose the attribute template as a data template to populate the COBie sheets to ensure that all attributes as defined by organization appears in the COBie file.

  • Export custom fields to attribute sheet: Allows the addition of custom fields to be exported to COBie attributes.
  1. Select Generate COBie File.
  • The COBie file is generated.

The generated COBie file can be download when the generation process completes successfully. The Export documents creates a COBie Document Archive in .zip format of documents that were uploaded previously for the selected building.