You can view the number of issues related to a component in the Model viewer if there is at least one task associated to the component.

The number of unique fields combined in all the templates should not exceed ten.

  • The site is open.
  1. In the left navigation pane, go to Settings > Template > Object info templates.
  1. Select Add.
  1. In the Name field, enter a name for the template. Example: Number of tasks.
  1. In the Template field, enter a {.
  1. From the dropdown list, select NumberOfOpenTasks.
  1. Select the field names from the list of custom fields to add to the Template field.
  1. Select Save.
  • The new template appears in the list of object info templates.
  1. On the Tasks page, open the task profile.
  1. On the Properties tab, select the component in the Component field.
  1. Select Save.
  • The task is saved and associated with the component. In the Model viewer, the info tag for Number of issues is visible for the component.