• The latest version of the IFC BIM connector is installed.
  • You are logged in with your correct credentials and your name displays at the bottom left of the screen.
  1. Launch the IFC BIM connector.
  • Your username displays at the bottom left of the screen. If your username does not display or displays incorrectly, go to Step 2 and 3. Else, go to Step 4.
  1. In the Application dropdown list, select Lifecycle Twin.
  1. Enter your Username and Password and select Validate.
  1. Select Open and browse for the IFC file.
  • The data categories in the IFC file are listed in the Data Selection section.
  1. Select the data categories that you want to export and select Save.
  1. In the Export section, select the facility to export the data and select Export.
  • The progress of the data export displays in the status bar and on completion, a success message displays.

The duration of the data export depends on the amount of data to be retrieved and the available bandwidth. The exported data can take some time to display in Lifecycle Twin. You can view the progress of the export in the Activity Log.