• On the  Trend analysis page, a trend is selected.
  1. Select Edit.
  1. From Edit trend, select Options.
  • Set the Default period.
  • For All, Operations Manager displays a maximum of three years of trend data on a chart. For example, if the Default period is five years, the trend chart displays only three years of data.
  1. Select Save.
  1. Select More.
  1. Select Export all data > CSV.
  1. Select Yes.
  • The data is downloaded.
  1. (Optional) Switch tabs to display the Data export in progress dialog and select from one of the actions:
  • Cancel: Download of CSV file with all data continues.
  • Quit export: The download of the CSV file with all the data stopped.
  • A CSV file is downloaded with all the data for the configured default period in the format: <Sitename>_<TVD name>_<startdate>_<enddate> (for example: JABSite_perf_tvd_test_Mon Jan 08 2024-Mon Jan 15 2024.csv)
  • Downloading the CSV files takes time. For any browser memory issues, relaunch the browser.
  • The data limit of a CSV file is 1 million records. If the number of records exceeds this limit, a new CSV file is generated for the additional data.