The multi-site Overview page allows you to view all the sites in your portfolio and their current conditions. Key performance indicators (KPIs) for your sites display accordingly in the Site summary, Sites table, Sites map, and the Comfort score card, if enabled.

The Overview page is also the initial point-of-entry to a specific site or partition. There are multiple options available to locate and access a specific site from this page.

  1. Vertical navigation bar: Hosts the following:
    • Overview (see items 2 through 6 below)
    • Events – see Events
  2. Sites table: A table of available sites based on current filtered events or searches. The table is sortable by Name. Selecting the row takes you to the site’s page.
  3. Comfort score: If enabled, a collapsible card that provides a visual overview of the key comfort score metrics for all participating sites in the organization. The card allows you to track high-level site data and select site-specific or site-wide metrics as needed. The value next to the overall rating represents the comfort score average of all participating sites. Comfort score is enabled from the Site’s Settings page.
  4. Site summary: A bar displaying an aggregated summary of your sites according to their status. After you select a summary status from the bar, the Sites table and the Sites map display sites associated with that status. The filter bar updates with the matching criteria.
  5. Search: Allows you to filter and search the Sites table and Sites map by manually entering text or selecting from the available list of tags.
  6. Sites map: An interactive map displaying available sites. By default, the site summary, or applied filters, determine the map’s focus.