Configuring Modbus TCP/IP

  • You are in the Modbus Connector user interface.
  1. Go to Configuration.
  1. Select Add.
  • The Devices pane displays.
  1. Select the device.
  • The Device pane and Data points pane display.
  1. In the Device pane, complete the fields as follows:
  • Enter the External ID for the Modbus device. This identifier must be unique for every Modbus configuration and should not be updated once the Modbus connector is started.
  • Enter the Unit ID for the Modbus device or server. This is the Modbus unit ID parameter set on the Modbus TCP field device.
  • Enter the IP Address. This is the IP address of the installed Modbus TCP field device.
  • Enter the Port value of the Modbus device. Default port value for the Modbus TCP field device is 502.
  • Enter the Name for the Modbus device.
  • (Optional) Enter a Description for the Modbus device.
  • Enter the Serial Number of the Modbus device. If the device serial number is not available, serial number can be a combination of numbers and characters of choice.
  • (Optional) Enter the Model name of the Modbus device. Example: Siemens SENTRON PAC4200.
  1. Select Save to confirm.
  1. Continue with adding data points.
  1. Select Start in Configuration to start the Modbus Connector.

Configuring Modbus RTU

  • You are in the Modbus Connector user interface.
  1. Go to Configuration.
  1. Select Add.
  • The Devices pane displays.
  1. Select the device.
  • The Device pane and Data points pane display.
  1. In the Device pane, complete the fields as follows:
  • Enter the External ID for the Modbus device. This identifier must be unique for every configuration and should not be updated once the Modbus connector is started.
  • Enter the Unit ID for the Modbus device or server. This is the Modbus unit ID parameter set on the installed Modbus RTU field device.
  • Enter the IP Address. The IP address for the installed Modbus RTU field device is
  • Enter the Port value of the Modbus device. Default port value for Modbus RTU for COM1 is 9001 and for COM2 is 9002.
  • Enter the Name for the Modbus device.
  • (Optional) Enter a Description for the Modbus device.
  • Enter the Serial Number of the Modbus device. If the device serial number is not available, serial number can be a combination of numbers and characters of choice.
  • (Optional) Enter the Model name of the Modbus device. Example: Siemens SENTRON PAC1600.
  1. Select Save to confirm.
  1. Continue with adding data points.
  1. Select Start in Configuration to start the Modbus Connector.