In the Device pane, complete the fields as follows:
Enter the External ID for the Modbus device. This identifier must be unique for every Modbus configuration and should not be updated once the Modbus connector is started.
Enter the Unit ID for the Modbus device or server. This is the Modbus unit ID parameter set on the Modbus TCP field device.
Enter the IP Address. This is the IP address of the installed Modbus TCP field device.
Enter the Port value of the Modbus device. Default port value for the Modbus TCP field device is 502.
Enter the Name for the Modbus device.
(Optional) Enter a Description for the Modbus device.
Enter the Serial Number of the Modbus device. If the device serial number is not available, serial number can be a combination of numbers and characters of choice.
(Optional) Enter the Model name of the Modbus device. Example: Siemens SENTRON PAC4200.
Select Save to confirm.
Continue with adding data points.
Select Start in Configuration to start the Modbus Connector.
In the Device pane, complete the fields as follows:
Enter the External ID for the Modbus device. This identifier must be unique for every configuration and should not be updated once the Modbus connector is started.
Enter the Unit ID for the Modbus device or server. This is the Modbus unit ID parameter set on the installed Modbus RTU field device.
Enter the IP Address. The IP address for the installed Modbus RTU field device is
Enter the Port value of the Modbus device. Default port value for Modbus RTU for COM1 is 9001 and for COM2 is 9002.
Enter the Name for the Modbus device.
(Optional) Enter a Description for the Modbus device.
Enter the Serial Number of the Modbus device. If the device serial number is not available, serial number can be a combination of numbers and characters of choice.
(Optional) Enter the Model name of the Modbus device. Example: Siemens SENTRON PAC1600.
Select Save to confirm.
Continue with adding data points.
Select Start in Configuration to start the Modbus Connector.