This chapter describes how to configure the line parser.

  • You are in the File Connector user interface.
  • The Parsers page is open.
  1. Select New Configuration > Line Parser Configuration.
  1. In the New parser configuration dialog, complete the following fields:
  • Enter a unique Configuration Name.
  • Enter a Description.
  • Enter the Name Position. Usually, the name has the position 1.
  • Enter the Value Position. Usually, the value has the position 3.
  • Enter the DateTime position. Usually, the date has the position 2.
  • Enter the Unit position. Usually, the value has the position 4.
  • Enter the default DateTime Format  DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm.
  • Select the TimeZone.
  • Enter the Separator that is used to separate entries in the CSV file. Usually, a semicolon or comma is used to separate entries.

Choose a separator that cannot be confused with the decimal separator used in the file.

  • Enter the Extension for the file, for example .csv.
  1. Select Save.
  1. (Optional) To test the parser, select Parser test or manually select of a file to parse.
  • Files that were successfully processed are displayed in Directory page.

Rules for the formatting of CSV files

The common layout of data points processed by the Line parser appears as: Name; date; value; unit, for example VSG_5C13B06;30.09.2024 00:00;5;mV.

To achieve a successful mapping, the Name position, Value position and DateTime position fields must match the desired file output.

The File Connector time package requires input of the desired representation of standard date/time as Month D, YYYY h:mm PM, transcribed as DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm. File Connector then processes all time inputs as a representation of this format.