With the Exchange functionality, outdated or defect equipment can easily be exchanged and replaced by a new piece of equipment without data loss or interruption of the stream of data.

  • You are on the Hierarchy tab.
  • You have added a piece of equipment, for example a meter.
  • The new piece of equipment is already installed at your site.
  • You have the information required for the equipment details ready, for example the serial number.
  1. In the tree structure, select the piece of equipment you want to exchange with a new one.
  1. In the Details card, select ξΆ€ Exchange.
  • The Exchange equipment dialog opens.
  1. Choose one of the following options to exchange the equipment.
  • Create piece of equipment: Create the meter from scratch by providing the necessary information and selecting which properties of the old meter you want to transfer.
  • Select piece of equipment: Select a meter from the list of existing ones.
  1. Select Exchange.
  • The new piece of equipment is created. In the Comment field, the name and ID of the exchanged piece of equipment is mentioned.
  • The name of the exchanged piece of equipment is prefixed by [Exchanged]. In the Comment field, the name and ID of the new piece of equipment is mentioned.
  1. The data points of the exchanged piece pf equipment are set to inactive.
  1. In the Relationships card, select the correct data point.
  1. For meter equipment, go to the Function details card and ensure that the correct Measuring method for the meter is selected.