The Function details card displays after selecting the Meter equipment type and with the Energy Manager subscription. In that case, follow the instructions in Configuring function details. On this card, the detailed settings of a meter can be edited.

General settings

  • Measures location: Displays the location measured by the meter. The location can be different from the location of the equipment displayed in the Relationships card.
  • Type: Displays the type of the report.

Meter settings

  • ID: Displays the ID of the meter. The ID is created automatically after saving the meter.
  • Valid from: This field is automatically set to the creation date of the meter. This field is editable.
  • Data point: Displays the device and data point that was assigned to the piece of equipment in the Relationships card.
  • Medium measured: The consumption group, media group and medium that is measured by the meter. This field is editable.
  • Unit: The results are displayed in the selected unit. The unit must match the medium.
  • To see data on the dashboard of Energy Manager, use an energy or volumetric unit for all media or convert the media afterwards with the calorific value feature.

  • Measuring method: The method used for measuring depends on the installed meter.
  • Cumulative: The collected values are accumulating over time where each subsequent value is equal or higher than its predecessor. The consumption is calculated by subtracting the previous intervals measured value from the current measured value, starting from the entered Start value.
  • Present value: For meters with a present value measuring, the consumption for a given interval is measured. The interval is defined in the meter settings.
  • Start value: Start value for the cumulative measurement. This field only displays, if Cumulative is selected as Measuring method.
  • Max. value: Optional field. Filling this field enables automatic meter resets and correct handling of meter overflows for meters with the measuring method Cumulative.
  • The Max. value only displays, if Cumulative is selected as Measuring method.
  • Reading method: The method used for acquiring the measured values. This field is populated automatically.
  • Aggregation: The method used for the aggregation of the measured values in the reports: Max, Min, Average or Sum.
  • Missing data: The method used for compensation of missing data in the reports: Linear interpolation or Ignore.